
Serious question: why has no one done a XCOM mod for GI Joe? Or just straight-up made a tactical GI Joe game using that engine? They seem made for each other.

C64, yes, but for me, it was Red Storm Rising. I played and liked a lot of Microprose games, but that was my favorite. (Probably because I was really into Clancy at the time)

For me, it was Duke Nukem 3D, Hexen, and Quake early on... Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament in the later days.

Perhaps I’m used to the io9 crowd, but I can’t believe someone hasn’t asked this....

Perma-Gray non-trolls unite, brother.

I had this as a kid on cassette. Great stuff!

Streets of Rage 2 is a great one. My friends used to get together and that’s what we’d do - sit around, drink beer, and play Streets of Rage 2. We’d play without special moves because it was more challenging. Good times.

I think (hope?) MMOs count. For me, it was Shadowfang Keep during vanilla World of Warcraft. I was a stay-at-home dad and when my son would go down for naps, I’d run through with my L60 whammy because it was the best place to find twink weapons that sold for a good amount. It was just a specific time and place thing

My biggest problem with the flash-forwards wasn’t Mia (though she was problematic), it was the fact that it just led nowhere. Unlike the flashbacks in earlier seasons, it had no bearing whatsoever on the main plot line. I thought somehow Mia and Ollie would interact by the end of the season and they just didn’t. In a

I’m not trying to get you away from FFXIV (which has its good and bad points, but is overall a pretty good MMO), but CoH is back. Google “coh homecoming” or go on the Reddit, you’ll find it. It’s private servers, but NCSoft hasn’t  shut it down yet, and it’s worth it just to appear on the steps in Atlas Park again.

I understand smugglers, but... what about space pirates?

Question for you folks a lot more familiar with PS Plus than I am. I just ordered my first PS4 that should arrive 11/30 (the $200 PS4 Slim with Spider-Man, I’m psyched) and I got the $40 12-month subscription to PS Plus from Amazon earlier this week. If I rush and plug it in on Friday and input the code, will I get

First of all, as someone who’s not on the spectrum, I totally get it and am the same way when it comes to “you’ll have to tell me you want that before I do it”. I am so terrified of making someone I like uncomfortable that I wait until I’m 100% sure as well. But then, I guess I’m horrible at reading social cues, too.

If they come up with a way to incorporate jazz hands, I will resubscribe to FFXIV immediately.

Let’s be honest - having a discussion of 80’s Pop without Phil Collins being mentioned is against all odds.

I’m OK with all of this, as long as I get my Wasteland 3 next year. Don’t mess this up for me, Microsoft!

White Plume Mountain was my favorite module of all time. I loved that one. I think I still have it on my iPad.


I honestly don’t know how you can have a “best of” list for the C-64 without Archon II: Adept. I spent an incredible amount of time playing that as a kid. (I played the original as well, but there was so much more strategic depth to the second one)

You can go your own way.