
I just hope they do better with implementing “fame” than they did in Sims 3. It felt weird, like it was a cheat in some ways and caused problems with socializing in others. I wasn’t a fan.

LW1: I feel ya, man. I dated a woman a few years ago who didn’t just want to have sex with someone else, she was actively in a polyamorous relationship with a guy who was legally married to someone else. It was all in the open (as much as that sort of thing can be) and she told me about it on the third date. Polyamory

Easily the best screensaver ever made. It had a ton of variety and the best part was the rare time you actually get to see him rescues. At the last place I worked, I had it set up so the PC would go to a DosBox just to run it. Flying toasters had nothin’ on that guy.

I replied because your comment about a graphic novel with choices that affect the outcome on a computer reminded me of that old game more than anything else. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a huge Walking Dead fan (zombies just don’t do it for me), but I’d love to see someone continue Telltale’s legacy in graphic

It can totally be done. It was done 30 years ago on the C-64.

I checked Netflix on Friday night and saw it’d come out. The story looked “eeeh”, but I like Jonah Hill and Emma Stone, so I figured what the hell. And, like you, I was surprised by how good it was. It’s not the best show Netflix has done, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected.

<insert comic book GIF of a wall spray-painted with “WHO MODERATES THE MODERATORS?” here>

I’ve been envisioning a teaser trailer for years. Tell me if this works for you:

I’m a father of three boys, and my oldest (who’s now 22) came out to me as bisexual not long after turning 18. I had this discussion with him and I can tell you - it is tough. Basically, what I told him was “I love you and I’m accepting of you, but remember that not everyone is as tolerant. You should never compromise

They also have a deal where you can buy (don’t quote me on this, I’m not at my computer, but I’m close) like 1 expansion + 1 adventure pack + 1 stuff pack at $10 off, I think? Like $40? That’s what I usually do when I’m feeling the urge to play again. The expansions are generally good (I thought the Pets one was only

It may have become widely used in 2005, but acronyms like “lol”, “roflmao”, “afk”, “brb”.... those have been around much longer than that, mostly due to the rise of BBSs in the late 80s/early 90s and online services like AOL.

Now playing

I don’t think you mean “since the Sims 2”, I think you mean “starting in the Sims 2”. I’ll never forget the first time playing Sims, have them flip on the radio, and hearing this and thinking, “wait... what?”

As someone who divorced “for the children” (without cheating or another episode of that caliber), I completely agree. It’s not easy at all - in fact, it may be one of the toughest things you’ll ever do, as it was for me. Just remember it’s the best thing for them.

Yo, Xerophyte. I’m really happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Baldur’s Gate 2 was the best RPG of all time. BEST RPG OF ALL TIME!

Thank you! You nailed it!

I was going to post about the gold dress, but it appears someone else got there first....

As long as I can look at the bright side AND get all the money, I’m in.

Now playing

Made me think of this. Easily one of my favorite lines of the movie.

Thank you! As a divorced 45-year old, I couldn’t give two shits about dating a 21-year old. Nothing against them, they’re nice to look at... but what do we talk about? It gives me them “Hey Nineteen” feels. I gave up and took a break from dating last July after four years with little success, but.... my range was

One of the sad days of getting older is watching the new rookie on your favorite team and saying, “he’s just a kid!”.... and then you realize, holy crap, everyone on the team is younger than you. Not that I ever had any potential, but the thought that I’m too old to be a professional athlete is depressing.