
I went and looked it up just out of curiosity (I saw the movie a long time ago, but I didn’t remember). Maybe I’m just old, but all I could think were things like “that water is going right in her mouth, can she breathe?” and “holy shit, that can NOT be good for your back”. Definitely not sexy.

As someone who did this about 4 months ago.... it’s a different setting, and it’s not difficult to get into.

Each pod has about the same amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes, or 200 puffs. Specifically, the nicotine concentration is 59 mg/mL per pod, which can be more than double that of other vaping products. It gives users a strong, fast punch.

Damnit, Barry!

BTW, to discuss #6 a bit:

Now playing

I can’t wait for him to be back tomorrow night.

So, were all of the people who condoned slaves before it was outlawed in 1804 in America.... evil? How about the three-fifths compromise - that turned slaves into less than people in 1787, was everyone who voted on that evil? Do you call the people who reaped financial benefit from slavery evil, which the Northern

Yeah, pretty sure treating other human beings as literal property to be done with as you wish is evil.

I’ve tried a few times, but I never have made it through this game. Maybe it’s time to give it another shot....

My point is not that we should not learn from the past but that it’s ridiculous to hold someone who lived in a past time period without the knowledge we have today, by the standards of today.

As long as it’s better than this one. I love CRPGs and have been playing them for about 35 years, but this book.... I couldn’t stay awake. I don’t think I made it through the first 100 pages yet.

You know, 32 years ago a girl was calling me a loser as her friends were laughing. She never threw away my comic books (they weren’t allowed), she’d do things like spit in my hair when the teacher wasn’t looking.

Thanks for defending us. You’re not the hero we need, but you’re the hero we deserve. A silent guardian. A watchful protector... a Gray Knight. :)

Now playing

STOP THESE POSTS. You will not pull me back in!

Yeah, but I get the feeling.... there is nothing exciting about going through Hellfire Peninsula for the 15th time. I’d actually love to go back and hit some areas you don’t get a chance to level through. It’s tough to level in Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley (the original) when you know Northrend is waiting at 68

I haven’t played Hearthstone in a year or two, but the thought of building a Hunter deck with no minions (that summons minions anyways) sounds like a blast!

That seems kind of expensive for the OS. Are you buying it separately? If you buy an OEM copy, it’ll be cheaper - the requirement is that you purchase it with the motherboard. You should check into that.