
I thought the two actors had incredible chemistry, and that was easily the best thing about this episode. The overall theme and “twist” of the episode felt like a bit of a letdown. And that’s not even getting into how much information this dating app must have on its subjects to recreate these people within a

A lot of people hated on Star Wars: Rebellion when it was released, but I absolutely love that game. I have a virtual box on my machine that I use sometimes so I can still play it (it’s pretty buggy on 64-bit Windows 10). I really wish someone would grab this, leave the base gameplay there, but go to town on the depth

I am appreciative of the fact that someone would port a game to the Commodore 64 in this day and age. It’s extremely unlikely that it’ll become “the Commodore 64's best game”, though. Pirates!, Wasteland, Archon (and Archon 2), Impossible Mission, Pool of Radiance, Airborne Ranger, Bard’s Tale (all 3), Summer

Marvel Heroes is gone. Although, I guess you technically didn’t buy that? Maybe that’s why they felt OK doing that.

I thought about this - but, let’s be honest, he probably cut himself off from the Force so that he couldn’t hear them anymore. I mean, I love Yoda, but that cackling would get old after 20 years or so, wouldn’t it?

I have trouble blaming Disney for this. I just can’t imagine that it was a shock to Gazillion. The management was probably informed long ago, told no one, and just kept truckin’ on like nothing was wrong.

There’s a more important point, in my opinion, and that’s for the interesting turn of morality that was TIE Fighter.

I was at the NCAA Hall of Fame in Atlanta with family over the Thanksgiving holiday and they have a whole section for college rivalries. Each of them has a quote, and this is the one for Michigan-Ohio State. I got a good laugh.

While I acknowledge the issue you’re discussing, perhaps another adjoining issue that should be debated is the shuttering of MMOs. While the companies have the right to shut down their properties, if they just get rid of the code, it’s whole worlds gone. Perhaps I’m being biased, but I’m much more concerned about that

The Dutch are always a threat. Even their ovens can be devastating.

I know you’re making a serious point and I’m not trying to denigrate it, but I read your comment and it translated in my head to, “Do you even lift, bro?”

Because of the civilian fleet it was protecting and the fact that it was the remainder of the human race, BSG had a lot more opportunity to play with the politics, families, drafting, all that. If it were just the Galactica and all military under Adama, the situation would’ve been different. Still, you’ve got a good

I think that’s really why I couldn’t get into the show - I only watched a few episodes. There should have been real tension, a difficulty to work alongside these people who were technically criminals (and saw themselves as “freedom fighters”). Their dependence on each other for survival, and learning to trust each

I like the way you put this. I’d say DS9's characters were constantly challenged to maintain Starfleet ideals because they had to deal with other civilizations and people who didn’t share those ideals on a daily basis (Kira, Odo, Quark). None of the other series did that - even the Marquis on Voyager were swiftly

I couldn’t adjust to seeing queen-bitch-Rosalind Shays from LA Law in an enterprise uniform.

I don’t know how you can respond any different than....

I find your lack of ice disturbing. No place in Canada looks like that.

Talking about manuals made me think about early copy protection....

I might go check it out. I never enjoyed any of the Dark Zone content, but the PvE stuff was good (although a bit repetitive in the end-game) and the Survival add-on was a lot of fun, despite the fact that those hunters kicked the crap out of me most of the time.

Why should I care about how much XP I need to level? Just play the damn game. Grinding isn’t playing it’s doing work. If the game is designed around grinding then do the research ahead of time to find out what it’s like and play something else.