The addiction is coming again.
The addiction is coming again.
Personally I wonder where this sense of entitlement for transparency comes from in the first place. That seems to be a new thing amongst modern gamers. 10 years ago people weren’t like this. We know far more about how the industry works now than we did then but it’s never enough for some people. I very much get the…
.... and here I feel bad about my 347, of which I’ve probably played 60%, heh
I feel the same way about Fallout 4, which I bought in a Steam sale a couple of years ago. I think about starting it, think about updating the DLC, and then just move on. I’ll get to it one of these days.
I spent more hours on my Genesis playing this game with friends than any others, and it’s probably close competition for top all-time (I’d guess Shining Force is still the champion there). Even after so many hours and refining your skills, the game was still a challenge. We got to the point where we didn’t play with…
A crummy commercial?
You tell ‘em. If my Shaman can’t tank, I don’t want it.
Shadow’s focus is much tighter, its nemesis system more refined. I’m not the biggest fan of WB’s take on the license—it feels more like its own IP dressed in a veneer of Lord of the Rings—but the thrill of its stealth murder and orc friendship system makes up for this.
Full disclosure: I am, in some ways, conflicted by all of this. I still believe in the precept of “innocent until proven guilty,” but at the same time, I believe in believing victims right up until they are proven to speak false.
Players asked that EA alter the deal and they’ve done just that.
I believe David Warner would think that there are five words to say.
Wait, he talked about Trump? I was only there for final confirmation that there is, in fact, only one Olsen twin. And he did it! WE GOT HER!
Ed and crew run up against the “flagship” - possibly with guest star Patrick Stewart as the captain.
I feel like this comment connects this post to the one earlier.
I’d agree that ME1 is being viewed through some rose-tinted glasses. It told a good story and started the (arguably) best non-fantasy RPG franchise out there, but there was a LOT of inventory management and driving around on non-populated planets just to get what you needed. ME2 was better, but it swung to the…
But just imagine - maybe they’ll make an introduction/”training mode” that will recreate battles from Warcraft II & III! Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Finally, my prayers are answered! MY SHAMAN WILL TANK AGAIN.
The biggest problem with pre-Cataclysm is no flying (in the mainland, that is) - many of the models weren’t made to be landed on and used. I doubt they’d fix that, that’d take a lot of work. So, outside of flight paths, you’d be stuck on the ground.
I can choose NEVER to level through Outland again if I want?