
Don’t worry man there is another Dragon Age on the way for you.

I think it looks dope. To each their own I guess.

If VR works well for DOOM and Fallout 4, I’m willing to bet TES:VI will launch with it in a few years.

The stealth suit probably wasn’t actually added to the service, but they needed existing mods to showcase the feature, since no one has made anything for Creation Club yet.

Todd Howard keeps bragging about Fallout 4 VR. Think we’ll get a real demo, or maybe a release window for it?

I look forward to Bethesda’s new games, because every new game they release is one game closer to Elders Scrolls VI. :)

Dear Hackers –

Say no to Comp and yes to Arcade and you can have fun again. As always, it’s better with friends.

Memes killed Andromeda 2. Oh what a world. This is the biggest problem with Metacritic.

Yo, that’s the joke. ;)

I don’t know about any of you, but I grew up playing Smash after renting the 64 version one weekend because “who knows, it could be good”.

You mean like, a job?

absolutely ridiculous; kinda like saying all united statians love football and eat burgers for lunch at the tune of “Hail to the chief” every single day.

WoW has been dealing with PvP changes affecting it’s PvE for the last decade... All that time and there still isn’t a solid solution. It’s infuriating.

This kid needs to play A Blind Legend! May not be in Japanese though...

When Overwatch first came out, I gave a passing look to Pharah, since I didn’t know all of the characters yet, and I assumed she was supposed to be Native American. Looking through skins briefly, that was basically confirmed for me when I saw the legendary skins.

This doesn’t make sense to me. FPS doesn’t provide a natural advantage, unless people are dipping below 30fps and literally missing things on screen. 60fps looks much better, but 30fps will still show you everything you need to know.

Yeah, flying up into the air almost feels like a death sentence these days. And forget about using your ultimate.

The points in the article mentioning the several MVP cards they earned would disagree with you.

Lol, stop being pathetic.