
I don’t think this particular change was about trying to avoid offending anyone. They changed it because it looked terrible.

The 501st’s story is still one of my favorites. It was amazing getting to play a clone trooper during the transition from Republic to Empire.

Normally I would agree with that stance, but seeing as how Battlefront was supposed to be a reboot of the original two games, it makes perfect sense to develop a campaign for it since the original games had one.

That was the best. I played through it a couple times by myself, but also a couple times with some of my friends. It also worked well to play if you were getting bored of the splitscreen skirmish.

Heh, both Battlefront/Battlefield, as well as Mass Effect multiplayer have pretty big cult followings. It’s not their biggest or best features, but they are incredibly popular in some circles.

I bought and played TF2 simply for the campaign. I’ve never touched the multiplayer but the singleplayer was worth the $30 I paid.


Welp I’ve never seen Overwatch compared to NMS before. That’s interesting.

Delaying games before they even exist. This is getting out of hand.

I’ve always wanted to play this, but I heard the PS3 port was really bad, and I don’t own an Xbox.

The concept art looks pretty damn good, but final models rarely look quite as good as their digitally painted depiction (See Dragon Age: Origins).

Wow, all of that seems wildly impractical.

Yes I agree. We shouldn’t lay down and take it when developers release a game that lacks the polish that the price tag implies. But, games today are more expensive to produce than they ever have been, and often the reality of this business clashes with what both players and creators would want ideally for their game.

Why shouldn’t they be commended?

It is next gen in terms of hardware, yes there’s no debating that.

I replayed the trilogy a few months ago in preparation for Andromeda, and even playing each game back-to-back, ME1 is still my favorite. I’ve always been willing to overlook it’s flaws because of the elements that it does much better than any other ME game.

At least Kotaku’s aren’t as bad as PCGamer’s.

This is actually more than I expected them to tackle. These changes are going live Thursday even? Color me impressed.

You should pick up a PC adapter for your Xbox One controller for TW3 as well. It plays really nice with a controller on PC, and could help with playing your first PC RPG game (as sometimes the keyboard controls can be overly convoluted).

This has been my experience over the past couple of years. My i7 CPU is nearly 7 years old now. It runs at 2.4GHz... With a GTX 1080, I’m getting about 50 fps in Andromeda.