Lol. Brand new studio creating brand new IP, all they’ve shown is a few pieces of concept art, and yet several commenters are somehow still turning to BS criticism.
Lol. Brand new studio creating brand new IP, all they’ve shown is a few pieces of concept art, and yet several commenters are somehow still turning to BS criticism.
Did any chickens pop out?
Part of that comes from the very modern-day atmosphere they were going for. A FF history in modern times, so to speak, and with that comes cell phones, cup noodles and convertibles.
To be fair, I would assume that the people who were working at Konami back then making/producing awesome games are not the same people who currently control the business. That’s... comforting in a way.
“Any conversation about black hair is, at its root, about more-”
If you enjoyed the singleplayer campaign, you should pick up Titanfall 2 at some point and play that as well. Lasts for about 5-6 hours, but well worth the $30 I spent on it.
I find the core premise of the Circle of Life to be ideal at best. Many people like building a game collection that sits on their shelf. Even if you never play them again, and know that you’re never going to play them again, it’s nice to have them physically. For many, it’s a sort of trophy for playing/completing the…
I don’t mind dropping $20 on each event as they come. I figure it’s a nice and simple way to keep quality updates coming. $20 is my limit though, because I watch my spending. Plus if I miss skins, most/all of these holidays will come around next year.
Co-op doesn’t automatically make a game easier, it depends on how the game is designed. Sometimes playing co-op is actually harder, like in stealth games. Sometimes it’s not necessarily harder or easier, just different, like Hyperlight Drifter.
Yeah, I can see why they made this change, and it probably is for the better, but they should have told everyone right off the bat that the demo co-op functionality was temporary.
My first gaming PC was pre-built. It lasted for about 3 years before needing an upgraded graphics card and some more storage space. It lasted for about 6 years total with the same processor/motherboard while playing all of my games without performance issues.
Yeah, there is actually some plot points revealed only in those side conversations.
Not sure if anyone else has commented on this, but Oxenfree is named after the phrase “olly olly oxen free” used in many children’s games (from wikipedia - “to indicate that players who are hiding can come out into the open without losing the game, that the position of the sides in a game has changed” or “that the…
There is a section in the game interface for Pillars of Eternity that lets you take notes. I used this as a personal dairy that I wrote and commenting on the state of the main quest and other fun things, all in-character. No one would read this but me, but it was really fun to do nonetheless, and helped flesh-out my…
Ah, now those sorts of fake posts are ACTUAL clickbait. Maybe it can be used as an example to clarify what the term really means.
Most actors worked for their status. You think it came easy?
I was jamming to Halloween tunes during the Zomnic event. Don’t Fear the Reaper was especially good, since he was one of the bosses.
The previous games were Playstation exclusives as well. If you’re waiting for a port, I doubt you’ll ever play this game.
To be fair, the first half of the series was played through Desmond which explains why your assassin was male in those games. (Not that Desmond’s ancestor couldn’t have been a woman at the time of those genetic memories, but I’m sure the Ubisoft teams had their reasons for avoiding that).
I would take it further than simply straight white males. Everyone will have a problem with ‘politics’ if they see something they don’t agree with. Many gamers play in order to escape the real world, so when the real world finds them again, that can be uncomfortable to some.