
@lastlifelost: Glad I wasn't either. Wife is always teasing me for hearing porno music or seeing nudity in the most innocent of situations...

In the first image, in it's smaller incarnation, does anyone else see the naked people on the tracks?!

Sorry to link to another news site, but I just wanted to toss in a

@Ryan: Thank you for reading up on this. I've posted several

@goodwood8: I've posted a similar comment before, but I do not

@Ding-Dang: I'll just leave this right here...

@takkun1946: Holy Crap! Star power!!! Thanks Kat!

@rnoyfb: I actually agree with you.

@voltaek: no... pretty sure he meant

@acidrain69: oh no no... there has already been a dance off. She was simply informing her that "You've just been served..."

@Aklost: and spend a lot of time on their social network aptly named QQ :)

@ivan-the-terrible: I know I'm late to the party also, but I remember(ed) Paul Oakenfold using it at one point. Did some Google'ing and found he did in Anthems.

@roebling: you get my internets for today sir... also, what are the membership fees for said group of awesome Googler's (aka G.R.A.T.E.F.U.L.) ??

@Michael Scrip: pretty sure he's one of the reasons IE6 shows up on some web stats...

@Dancing Milkcarton: Made in bulk and for parts alone, he's close. It's more likely around $300-500 USD. It's [actually] paying the workers, shipping out of China, packaging and the [must have] Apple tax that pushes it up to $999.

@Standish: Yup... cuz even the link they referred to is for the 3TB drives...

@Spyrus: It just means that instead of Chillingo spitting out the money to push the games to market, EA will be. As well as reaping the benefits once the money comes in from said games.

@WallCouldTalk: my thoughts the moment Jobs started talking crap about netbooks. I was all, "ummm... You don't like netbooks?? But you have the Air?!?!"

@Error601: also, if they did it sequentially, wouldn't you get movement between frames.