
@guystarsky: Ummm... I'm looking for the joke in your comment and see none. Please tell me you aren't serious.

@ilan354: Wait... it's not real?! But... but... I was told it's about as real as Santa is.... [wait for it... wait for it...]

@Priper: Wrong franchise, but the pun certainly deserves +5

where's the obligatory "Engage..." quote?

@Odin: Was my first thought as well...

I actually really like that they shot the photos using a Canon, unlike other companies (I won't mention Sony) that tend to use a different brand, not of their own, to photograph their ad's for their own line of cameras.

@cicadymn: also note that he's English and not American. Possibly (not exactly certain, but pretty sure) different laws.

@Channan: it is being used. In the image, it has a little arrow that lets you go into the "full menu", I believe.

@Serolf Divad: I think the total count came out to 17 years, though I find that just as fair. :)

@DavidAndrus: Unfortunately I never saw this article. I shall be reading it further (just skimmed it).

So, because he is the CEO of a large company that "supposedly" has all our data, he's not allowed to [attempt to] crack jokes?

@jeffsnewphone: It's not really that thick. If you click through to the link, it's just the flap folded under. Some how they got this pic with it looking that way.

@williamgarzon: No, it's actually due to the long exposure time required to capture the image. I can't remember the exact time, but for some reason I remember it lasting around 20-30 mins. I could be wrong though on that part.

I wonder what happens if your AR image is the cake with the AR tag on it?

@A.Jaswal: Multiple SSID's that are exactly the same can and most likely will confuse your computer, depending on the distance. If they are all different then no.

@YOUCANNOTDENY: The girls actually go back and correct theres. I've gotten thanks from them for it. The guys don't. The guys tend to have more also.

@tektwo: Suicide is [sadly] the norm in this part of the world. It's always their first option when things get bad.

is: "...to talk a little trash about our our homegrown titans of industry"

@FriarNurgle: You can, it just has to be classified as a medical app.