
@Charliehorse: Sorry to comment on most of your posts, but.... WELL DONE! +10 Giz points for you!

@groundlessnfree: this also sounds like a poor excuse from a perv... :)

@jdale: hmmmm... I sense a restraining order heading your way soon, my friend.

I wonder if this shares the similar write issue the first few generations of the current SSD's did... Anyone have any idea? (Hell, I wonder if SanDisk even knows that answer)

@gravityhomer: though they should ('design buildings to exist in a 1000F furnace')... I work at a company where there are only 3-4 guys max in the office and the rest are all women. It's always too cold for them, so they keep it HOT in here. I don't want the support beams to melt, crushing me with the floor above!

@yankeesrule: man... them were the days of true television shows...

@iScrewFanbois: This one slides left. I believe the iPhone slides right to unlock. Hence, it's justified. :)

@Go Vols!: Ya know, I have to agree with you on this Go Vols!

@yankeesrule: See, this was my thought also, but my brother was born in 1990. He only knew about TMNT because of me (I'm 8 years older) and the new crap that they're pawning off as TMNT

@Gilliam: ha... no, I was referring to Johnbobz comment "... taking all our money[,] girlfriends."

@Pixelologist, Esq.: On a human observation train of thought on this, I can't help but wonder if it would be treated the same way as a strip club. Granted, the same "satisfaction" just isn't there... but why? Why is it deemed skeezier (if that's a real word) to see a porn in a theatre than to go to a strip club?

Ya know... just seconds before firing off a comment about Giz reusing an invite image for their graphic, I took a 2nd look at it and saw on the side the original graphic for the BB torch.

Wardrobe tips from Mr. Jobs? I mean he is the go-to guy for design and style right?

@TailsNZ: I've been recently approached by the department in developing a better "pan and zoom" application for this investigation.

@Skeptic: isn't it 300 / 4, seeing as it's a 1 to 1 ratio. So it should be tat = 75