
@mattfredfry: ummmm... no end sarcasm tag?! Science is stupid?! K... no internets for you then sir.

I'm wondering why they're using this type of wheel system. Didn't the stuck (now dead *tear/whimper*) rover have a similar system? Wouldn't something more like tank treads be better for navigating the alien terrain? I mean the system should be much more advanced than your typical tank tread system... but still.

@Applerain: to continue where icemanforever left off... They are keeping everything sterile in order not to introduce local samples into the martian terrain so that when they take martian samples, it will not return false positives.

In the case of "jail breaking" a device. Do we know if they limited this to mobile devices or does it extend to all hardware (i.e. Playstation 3)

@Ninja_peach: I think this applies to the case where an application is written to take the text from an ebook (that has no audio version available) in order to play back audibly to the (blind or near blind) individual. My guess is that some DRM's inhibit this.

@pixelsnader: I have to say, my thoughts went that direction also.

Now playing

They have matching commercials with it. (Living in Hong Kong, I'm privileged to these sorta things).

Yeah, but... Cost (materials/production), availability of the materials, sustainable?

Ok... Nice commercial and very imaginative, but what does it mea....

@hameed67: and this is where antiquated tech failed and smart, reliable people need to come in and update the tech to make sure things like this don't happen again.

@RawheaD: "... in the wild for four days"?! May I point you to several articles on many a different sites (including Giz) that beg to differ. Grey Powell sound familiar. Hell, even the real Steve Jobs admitted to having techs test it in the field at the D8 interview when asked about the G.P. incident.

@appletoad: I'm in the same boat w/ maythetechbewithyou... And getting fixed is on our list, but dude... they cut on your... it pains me to say it.

@blehbleh13: It was a bit wordy, but it makes sense. I've had to repeat rather long stories (multiple times mind you) to inform a customer service rep in order paint the full picture. This has happened to me in 2 different countries w/ 2 different ISP's. Awful I say.

@blehbleh13: Ummm... did you rfa?! It says he emailed the CEO (of AT&T). Now if you meant Steve Jobs, well thats an entirely different story. That might actually work, if he hadn't have sent the story to Giz first.

@goldentreesang: Hong Kong's been like that the last couple of days

unrelated to this post, ya'll have some crazy caching going on w/ your site! (ok... not totally unrelated, b/c it affected this article)