Took Country Back Check

It doesn’t even matter, Trump just signed an executive order removing the ban on cockroaches in scuba tanks. THERE IS NO ESCAPE!

Before I go to bed, I’m going to plug every orifice and breathe through a scuba tank from here on out. Thanks, Obama Gizmodo.

Are you referring to the ban that Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya have on Israeli citizens entering their country?

I am about as liberal as they come, i will never support forcing someone to join a union and pay dues instead of negotiating their own deal.

Are you talking about Christians from the Middle East? I view prioritizing those Christians as prioritizing vulnerability. Middle East Christians and other religious minorities are at the top of the target list for Daesh. They are more vulnerably and should be prioritized.

I think the biggest thing most protesters need to do is come up with a plan to deal with this a-holes before you start your protest.

I think the reasons for this are kind of obvious: most Trump supporters don’t live in the DC area and don’t have the money or time to travel to the coast for events like this. Most Trump supporters also don’t generally march at protests, dance in the streets, or otherwise attempt to make themselves visible- one of

That’s that St. Louis Cardinals thing.

Look for Belichick assistant Jack Ruby outside the police station later today.

Two loathsome movements colliding- White nationalists and anarchists.

Does any reasonable person think that you’re going to shitpost from a government account and Trump is going to allow it to continue? Seems reasonable to me to ask them to stop posting on Twitter until further notice.

Hail to our glorious new leader!

Seems to be only young people... What us older people value most in a career

Crean will never be a winner like Coach K. You’re supposed to tolerate douchebaggery from your own players and publicly lecture your opponents. No wonder Indiana is stuck in a garbage conference with the likes of Rutgers.

This. Not only does it demonstrate to an arena full of people that he doesn’t teach that style of ball, the public tongue lashing might make the player think twice about doing something like that again. So basically...

We can also agree that marching across the court to scream at a player in front of an entire arena, rather than waiting until everyone is back inside the locker room to do it, is not the greatest coaching technique.

“You think that’s bad—you should see my videos of the things they say at practice”

What if people just ignored him? Let him wow the college republicans on campus with his rhetoric and then go home. He thrives on drama and outrage, otherwise his whole act suffers. He makes the news and racks up viral videos when he says awful things to and about liberals and protestors who come to his events so how

Indeed. Us liberals shouldn’t be giving him such gifts. Protecting speech used to be a liberal value, and we should take it up again before this whole thing bites us in the ass. Because it will.

Quit being so dramatic. Your life won’t be different in 4 years except that you’ll probably still be employed doing a job that sounds more like fun than actual work to most people writing for a blog that will manufacture enough controversy to stay afloat. Liberals always have grand predictions for the future and