Took Country Back Check

Welcome to Ace Rothstein Field at Tangiers Memorial Stadium (stadium collapses as it was built out of stale breadsticks by mob-connected construction crews)

On the flip side, I’m really hoping the Vegas Stadium is named “PornHub Coliseum.”

This makes me extremely uncomfortable. A few months ago we were talking about how dangerous it was for Trump to be questioning the legitimacy of our democratic process, and how it undermined our entire system of peaceful power transition.

Mallards never duck a fight.

Are the employees asking for a union? If not, why would they need one?

I’m not sure how to feel, yet, but one discomfiting thought that keeps coming back is how it feels kind of similar to how right leaning outlets would bring up pizzagate with a sorta “we just don’t know!” hands in the air routine.

Well, Bob, I wouldn’t say he’s MISSING the Knicks game.

“I would rather be in Columbus, Ohio than Los Angeles.”

A very important discussion, you are dismissive of the legitimate due process issues at stake in these cases.

Or you’re at Arby’s

He’s always had a soft spot for the bills.

Sitting on that has got to hurt your BACK BACK BACK.

Jezebel posts shit all the time with “This is a developing story” or “updating.” But mostly when its POC being attacked by white people. Hate crimes against POC get posted almost immediately.

This was first reported on at lunch yesterday. Took more than 24 hours for Jezebel to give a damn. I know, I know: it doesn’t play into their “narrative.” Still tho.

Good. They damn well deserve to be charged with hate crimes. Maybe in the future, right-wing internet commenters will actually wait at the very least 24 hours before screaming about how the police are biased against white people. Not wasting my breath, though.

Too soon?

Entitlement programs have to get cut, is that really a surprise? Everything more or less has to get cut, Bernie and others have been kicking that can down the road now for decades while knowing that sooner or later it would have to happen.

Maybe if the democrats fought fervently for unions the way they fought for transgender bathroom rights we wouldn’t be in this shitty conundrum.

*sad trombone* Oh I’m sorry, “straps”, “boot straps” was the answer we were looking for. The judges say “laces” aren’t specific enough. We hope you enjoy your lovely parting gift.