Took Country Back Check

A quick ICE ID check would have been a good idea. Just saying....


Because she let four people die in a God-forsaken desert hellhole and then said it didn’t matter.

Ahahahahaha. Jezebel staff - every single one of you, in twenty years, will sit in your trailers and wish you had married a rich white guy!

Its really a #1 and #1a.

Um, its a he. Bradley Manning. Not a she. But definitely a treasonous snake.

Huge Trump supporter here, but.....I really think he hasn’t read a book in a very, very long time.....

Comrade, you speak truth, yes? The bourgeios Crean is traitor to revolution and his reactionary behavior will be dealt with. Classless thugs of the world: UNITE!

What happened, Maxine couldn’t string a cogent sentence together? Not news.

Your math skills appall.

Nah, you are fucked. I’m getting my taxes lowered, better economic growth and the smug fat faces of progressives like you slapped silly. Loving it!

Nah. You are probably horrifying. I say until they can be objective, out they go.

Czech yo’self before you wreck yo’self ‘cause Warsaw Pact era construction standards be bad for yo’ health....

Well done. I think that the students blocking this fellow and the Republican legislators acting to ban courses are both culpable. Everyone should grow up, listen, and judge on merits. That’s why I, a conservative, read this lovely website and get my news from the Atlantic, New Yorker and NYT. I work very hard to get


Look like family get the window from a glass. Someday I hope get window from a glass. Great success! Ver’ nice!

Good luck with the march! Maybe moving around will relieve some of the butt-hurt!

The left will lose more Senate seats in ‘18 the way its setting up.

this is speaking as a straight-white-cis man that’s a feminist, LGBTQ ally and supporter of BLM?

We care for people but expect them to be accountable for themselves.