Took Country Back Check

You, and others of your ilk, have had your day. A new era dawns for real Americans next Friday.

I’m down with that joke.

Um Evanston (or “Evansville” as the brilliant fake journalist above wrote at one point) is not a small town.....

Oh, keep your legs crossed if you can’t handle a child, for heaven’s sake.

Kale is lovely.

Yeah, maybe. But your “penumbras of privacy” in Roe are really shaky.

This fucking puss-filled blistering lesion of a woman is everything that is wrong with America wrapped up in one ugly package.

Nah. Its that we don’t care about women. At all. Unless there’s something in it for us. Like a nut. Or a sandwich.

orrrrrrr.....watching Hillary’s Javits party, which I do EVERY DAY

Oh, get cancer.

You are a horrifying piece of shit. You wouldn’t know journalistic norms if they came up and bit you in the nuts. I hate you with the burning fire of 1,000 suns.

Your America is over. Buckle up. Get a job. Be productive. Or get out of the way.

God. How lucky are we that he cared enough to be president?

You are the absolute worst person in the world.

Setting his views aside, his goddamn name: Barack Hussein Obama, even SOUNDS like he’s a fucking terrorist from the Middle East.

It scares me that you have any sovereignty at all. You should be subject to the laws of the county, state and nation in which you live. It would benefit you in the long run. The time has come to end the charade.

Ellie, honey, you are adorable, what with your opinions and all.

Um, hello, Packer injuries are cause for celebration.

Fuck you.

The solution is excellent, comrade, you will be rightly lauded at the next Central Committee meeting.