Took Country Back Check

The picture only proves he’s a fucked up son of a bitch who should get three hots and a cot and NOTHING MORE, particularly some bullshit surgery.

Not a joke. Your president in less than two weeks.

You might not make it, you sound rather weak. Get yourself checked out, snowflake.


Oof, well, golly, if he’s a racist let’s just stop the discussion right now. TKO to you sir, and a tip of the cap. Thanks for alerting us, that was certainly a close one.

Ding ding ding ding ding ding dingdingdingdingdingdingdindging

Not connected to BLM? Heh. Heh, heh. Okay, bud......

Maybe if the stylish folks who want to be noticed by “identifying as X” would put their focus and energy on being productive members of society rather than carving out “identity” rights we’d all be better off. Jesus, I wish I had the time to anguish over my “sexual identity.” The greatest generation fought World War

/Types on Apple laptop:/

Trump 307

How about “you people” food?

Go at it, bros. Meanwhile my candidate prepares for Inauguration! And my party controls nearly 1,000 more legislators (state and national) than it did when OBAMA! came into office. Yay! 2016 was the best year ever!

Good for you.

......until you need it to elect one of yours.

“In tears” over an election, that’s pretty soft, dude.

Ding ding ding


You are a tool

Or, it is frightening how much Democrats like to flout the rules/laws themselves. For example, sanctuary cities.  

You might want to stop commenting on the internet ever. Unless this was ironic.