Took Country Back Check

Sooooo....was it right for ESPN to fire Curt Schilling for right-wing Tweets?

You are a damn fool.

Only 14 pieces of flair.

......because Democratic politicians are blameless angels?

The website that says Christian bakers have to provide products for gay weddings MUST also assert that performers like these must follow instructions and work the Inauguration.

What about that race-hustler Coates?

Ah, you are all a bunch of snowfl— wait, no, that was really awful on all levels.

+1 ball through the legs.

Ass hat.

Then you are an ass.

Screw everyone on this string using Celsius. Communists.

“Flyover states.” Please flyover to Hell. Thanks.

Hey, sorry, but your list was kind of mis-numbered there. Did you have a stroke or something? Not to be unkind. Maybe you didn’t notice.

Oh, that’s fucking poverty, bro. I make 10 times that and feel pinched.

Today is so great. Trump won a second time today, and is going to win a third time on January 6, then a fourth time on January 20 and then a fifth time that evening when he repeals all of Obama’s executive order fuckery.

Winfrey and those beastly glasses. That woman finds more and more ways to make me loathe her.


Ahahahahahaha Faith Spotted Eagle got more votes than Bernie, that’s freaking fantastic!

That deals with children, and is different.

Choking back tears, here....