Took Country Back Check

Because the PC is strongest there.

Thank Goodness all of the kids today are really good at stuff and special!

I know for sure. There will be a Republican president on January 20. If not Trump, shrug, it will be someone else NOT NAMED HILLARY.


Investors. Dope.

Dumb-ass. Trump won affluent suburban whites like me, too. We rejected your smarmy identity politics and redistributionist Marxist crap. Not a hick. You probably work for me, if you work at all....

Oh, be still. Adults are running things now. Shhh.

Like, say, the nuclear option in the Senate pulled by Reid a few years ago?

Ah, but the Electoral College petition is patriotic?

Actually, I would argue that it is we Republicans have greater human decency than those in the smug progressive movement. We demand only responsibility and accountability. We seek economic growth that benefits all as it did in the Kennedy and Reagan years. We seek energy independence that benefits all of us. We defend

If he’d have been a farmer instead, he would have been outstanding in his field.

Thought you were moving to Sweden, WTF are you still doing here?

“Mandrake, they fluoridate the water in Los Angeles. Do you know what that means to our precious bodily fluids? Do you, Mandrake?”

He’s the best Michigan coach in a long time, and given his success at both the professional and college levels, he’s probably high on many success-starved NFL organizations’ wish lists.

Perhaps as long as Obama invoked W.

Good thing these gys are on the job.

Don’t tease me......

No we don’t.

How about being chaste until marriage, then you wouldn’t have to kill babies? Hmmm?

No, not all of us do. You are wrong and using a facile argument to make yourself feel better.