Took Country Back Check

Dope. If the popular vote mattered, the Trump campaign (and HIllary’s campaign, for that matter) would have acted very differently and the result of that could not be predicted.

You do know he is WAY less interventionist in his bearing than Hillary, do you not?

You could relax and go to work. I recommend it.

Or, no they’d be booed mercilessly. And with good reason. Ick.


You are checking my grammar? How’s this: get cancer and die.

I’d tell you to go to Hell but you are well on your way already.....

Oh, and we’ll just borrow from your playbook in the meanwhile......dickwad.

What you do about it is sit quietly and watch my taxes go back down to reasonable levels while insane fringe groups are put back in the margins where they belong.

Republicans think.

By disenfranchise you mean enforcing laws keeping felons from voting and requiring people to, hmmm, be who they say they are and prove it when they vote?

This guy is both a traitor and a disgrace to his parents. Let him rot.

Go check how many Democrat Senate seats are up in ‘18. Go look, I’ll wait.

Yes, so, that there is why you lost. Because you are a petulant child unwilling to see shades of gray in issues. Enjoy your smugness for 8 years and 20 years of the Supreme Court.

Well, they do each letter with a commemorative pen, remember.....

Cult member here. Love it, indeed.

Took the wind out of your spelling, too, I see.

I am pleased you do not plan to reproduce.

Sorry to nitpick, but any good delusional progressive rant about Trump usually involves a Hitler reference. I mean, you worked WWIII in there which is nice, but really, I don’t think the echo chamber will respond without a Nazi comment.

HamNo what do you do that is productive? Not a thing. HamNo is 100% Worthless.