Take Your Star

One of these women will get shot. Trump & The GOP will accept no responsibility. Chuck Todd will blame both sides as will CNN. White people will say she had it coming and the anger will continue. I don’t expect The GOP to a damn thing but it sure would be nice if the fucking media would stop hoping for seasons 5-8 of

Trolls to dismiss on sight.

That chant spread too rapidly not to have been seeded by Trump staff in the crowd.

that lede picture is inaccuarate, there’s no way that book would be read enough to wear it out like that. 

Supporting Trump makes one complicit in his racism, which makes all of his supporters racist.

American Evangelical Christianity is an oxymoron.

That’s rather the point; the rent a cop saw the man’s blackness as an inherent threat. It didn’t matter that he was a cop (where if he were white the rent a cop wouldn’t have gone for his gun)

Don’t you understand? He had a gun*! And a police uniform**, and a radio***, and a taser****, and a regular, you know, police uniform holster*****. This one is so beyond anything that I don’t even feel like screaming. It’s just too fucking much.

I guess the criminalization of blackness is now complete; and every black male is a criminal, every white man a saint.

And How does this go so long unchecked?

Diamond and Silk

Man, You totally suck. Checked Your Kinja history. You are a real ‘Right Winger Republican’ or perhaps a “poser”. How old are You? Did You vote Ronnie Reagan back in the day?

I don’t mind dragging ol’ Nancy but she wasn’t the only one who turned SF into a gentrified nightmare, she had tons of help

I sincerely love whypipo. Because they make it able for me to use this picture at least three times a week.

“As a black man” lololo

So many bullshit tropes in one place my head is about to explode.

The second to last paragraph in my article addresses your argument.

we explicitly prohibit racial profiling

Headquarters: Nashville, TN