
They'll definitely retain _A_ dock connector. It's the 30 pin that's on its way out.

How do you know that you don't take them seriously enough?

"I really think this should not serve as a reminder to not post high value items, but as a reminder that there are fucked up people in this world."

You apparently haven't read any Charles Dickens...

$24K sounds like a deal for a soul. Unless it's a salvage or something...

Texas is a big state. Not all of it is high humidity.

Superior in what ways? Every option has pros and cons. Simply stating that one option is nothing but pros is ignorant.

"now get over it"

Glass is still used all over the place. Not sure why you're thinking that we stopped after 1933.

Any time you rely on "people you know" as a statistically meaningful sample you're likely to be surprised.

Look again at the photo. It's not folded in half multiple times.

"Better" depends on the criteria. Induction certainly isn't better from an ease of implementation standpoint.

Other way 'round actually. Not sure that the sounds are specifically from Star Trek but sci-fi sound effects have definitely been harvested from the real world.

It is a bro card but you can't tell the bros that man doesn't mean what they think it means.

Every state has them. If you think any state doesn't you're deluded or ignorant.

Alcohol IS a drug by definition. That is, if you're not relying on the Gizmodo definition above.

Giz has its own dictionary if you haven't noticed so far.

No, it's not. It's ignorance and irrational fear, not rational thinking. The actions of a subgroup never define the larger group no matter how the group is defined — whether it's religion, race, gender, socio-economic status or whatever other criteria is used.

"what possibly could have led them to feel embarrassment rather than anger? Humiliation rather than frustration?"

"And we can afford to spend 2 billion dollars on a single stealth jet project"