
Worth is subjective.

You don't drive much, do you?

That would itself be distracting as I rely on steering feel.


^ This. Don't confuse "vocal" (or "what you hear") with "everyone". Why does it matter why some people hate James Cameron? If you like his movies (I like most of them myself) then enjoy them. You don't need others to validate your preferences. Do you need other people to approve your favorite color/food/music/etc?

...and many do.

People get wrapped up in all sorts of things (many that they know little to nothing about). There is certainly stuff you get wrapped up in that is considered idiotic to some as well.

There are rational, reasonable, sane people and there are nuts in all camps. Don't assume that what you hear represents everyone no matter what the topic.

You might want to try reading again. How is an applicant going to block access to Facebook for the company that the applicant is applying to?

You'll quickly run out of airlines if you refuse to fly on airlines that make mistakes.

Meh. Consider the source. There are a lot of spec sheet racers out there. The specs sheets don't always give you the whole picture regarding the experience in the seat. To each his own though. There's no reason that people can't have HP and/or torque fetishes if that's what they're in to.

Faulty assumption. The mass market isn't shopping for stripped cars. Stripped cars have an extremely limited market (i.e. far from "KILL!").

Buy a car is always a highly subjective matter. I don't care what "most people do" when shopping. The FR-S/BRZ is on my short list. YMMV. Do what works for you.

Buying a car is a subjective matter. I don't care about what "most people do" when I'm shopping. YMMV. Do what works for you.

"Just because your situation doesn't warrant a larger vehicle, doesn't mean that nobody's does. "

Idiot drivers are not unique to any one type of vehicle.

"I hope Boeing builds the 737-MAX fuselage about one foot wider. That would be great because the airliners could put in 3 more inches of shoulder room between each seat."

Problem is that you (and others griping for supersonic) aren't willing to pay the costs.

Read what you typed between the double quotes.

Why would anyone assume that their preferences are universal? If you don't see the point then move on. Will understanding why someone else would change your mind or something?