
It doesn't make sense because you're solely relying on your sense of worth. Niche products always come at a premium. I'm not trying to argue that the premium is worth it — just pointing out that, typically, the smaller the market the more you'll pay.

Why does it seem weird? It allows them to introduce a "new" model while easing consumers in with a familiar name.

Definitely make sure you're getting the right printer for your needs. I've never had any problems with my Laserjet 2300DTN but it suits my requirements and has been extremely reliable.

Sure I can. You're confusing "you" with "I" and your preferences with fact. Your lack/need/desire for something doesn't mean that everyone else has no need or desire for that thing. It may seem like the universe revolves around you but that's just your perspective.

If you expect any simulator (for anything) to explain the plot (to anything) then you'll be waiting a very long time...

If you're really "sick of it" then stop clicking on related stories. No one's making you read them except yourself.

Nothing unique about Apple. You're making a broad/sweeping statement based on your limited experience. Look around and you'll find apologists for every brand/product out there. They're all equally bad.

This must literally be your first Giz article if you think Giz is "picking on Apple"....

Same reason(s) why we still have land even though water constantly erodes "massive quantities" of earth age after age.

"How Can This Aircraft Supercarrier Be In the Middle of a Desert Storm?"

No. Sounds like you need to look up the definition of ironic. There's nothing ironic about it and they definitely do not "cancel each other out". They're totally in line with each other.

"Why in the world would someone need a $1000 rice cooker?"

"What other features does a rice cooker have or need?"

You can spend way less than $1000 and still get one that can store and keep the rice warm for 24+ hours without drying it out.

Again, "waaay too much" is subjective. I use one that was about ~180 USD. IMO induction cooking and fuzzy logic are worth it. It certainly handles brown rice better than the former fuzzy rice cooker I owned. Try using them before you criticize them.

That's because you're used to shopping for the cheap ones that haven't changed at all from the 60's and 70's. $300 isn't high if you consume rice like the typical Japanese family but "expensive" is always highly subjective.

"Spend more than $9 and don't buy one at Walmart..."

Pretty much anything will "defeat the lazy feeling" aside from lying down on the ground.

^ This. There's something wrong with you and/or your grinder if using a whirly blade has minimal impact. Or you happen to like whirly blade ground coffee.

"...an Innovation No One Asked For"