
Exactly. Bitching because a guy didn’t ask the climate change question you wanted him to ask at a debate is not technology related at all.

How about you go read another thing instead? For fuck’s sake, can people not read headlines any more?

Waaah Wahhh Waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Counter-Counterpoint: Gizmodo is an Apple Fanboy site. For science and technology, see io9.


Eh, I think the OP’s comment was less about the subject of the post and more about the “oh, here’s something the internet likes, let’s take a hot wet dump all over it” attitude that became so familiar over on Gawker.

Also, he failed to sacrifice a goat to the sun god and therefore dawn will not come tomorrow...

“You had the chance in the palm of your hands, Ken. You could have trapped them. You could have tricked Trump into saying the other astoundingly dumb things about science we all know he’s capable of.”

So that’s why you dislike Ken Bone? Because he didn’t try to make Trump say something stupid?