
I can never figure out these kinds of fights. i bounced for a while and first thing you do....take them to the ground and then beat the crap out of them.Much easier when you are on top and they cant get a swing in AND are drunk and you aren’t.

Most of us would never have missed Mike on that show. However without Mike Edd would never have gotten so excited to explain what he had done to the cars. I liked that Edd did what he could on a budget which is much closer to the rest of us. I can’t plunk down thousands to do a rotisserie restoration but I can do

I could not care less about a drop in auto sales. Most of the vehicles being sold people cant afford so its much like the housing bubble. I hope whomever is financing this folly goes broke. 99% of what we do with our personal vehicles is going to work and around town and you don’t need to spend $40 k to do that.

A white on white Lambo with gold trim? You find the coke?

Driving over his head and paid for it.

If some of the outrageous repair costs made its way to the mechanics pocket that would be a huge incentive. But it doesn’t.

Yeah but what about Lexus? I wouldn’t take one of those gape mouthed SOB’s if they were giving them away.

Oh hell yeah. It also means the Murdochs who are very perceptive can see things swinging away from Faux News and to truth in the future......they started Faux News for one reason, profit. They could give a rat’s ass who they promote so long as they make money at it.

I like the color.....I had a 450 Honda for years and it was a great bike. Even though I’m a big guy it did all I asked of it including long distance trips. I’d be interested in how this one is on the whole.

Always wondered about taking one of these and dropping a different drivetrain in it since its a slick little 2 seater.

Hours. How many hours? Do minimum wage times that and add it on since you took that much off your lifespan. its a loser like every vehicle project.....says the guy thats been building vehicles at a loss for about 50 years....

And how would you assume so?

looks like the driver isnt driving. the day an autonomous 18 wheeler hits the road is the day I get off. I ran a trucking company and 80,000 pounds of death is coming your way.

Dim wads with this kind of thinking is why we have no manuals any longer. All I know is I am a hell of a lot more engaged with actually driving when I have a stick than without.

If Im too stupid to use the brakes then I may end up helping the gene pool by not having automatic braking.

Lots of stories like that here in the Bay Area. Luckily for me I have done some stupid car things financially but never that stupid.

free throws are free points. Get good on the line and they will quit fouling you.....

I’m thinking Seinfeld would have to be the most boned to show since no one worth banging ever watched it. Its not funny.

Never got out of one, all of them too blatant. Only once did they even cut me some slack. I was 17 and driving back to the Boy Scout camp I worked at in my MGB at a very high rate of speed about sunrise. Top down, tunes blasting and way over the posted speed limit. CHP nails me. He walks up and starts talking to me, I

Inline 6's disappeared due to packaging when the automakers went front wheel drive stupid. Anyone that has ever had an inline knows it does not provide heaps of HP but it does give you nice torque and reliability. Go look at any list of the greatest engines and there are always a few inline’s on there. Prominently