Based on chinese build quality and honesty I see lots of battery fires and failed cars.
Based on chinese build quality and honesty I see lots of battery fires and failed cars.
Wanna -be thug.
fine have my password. You want the $12 bucks I have in the bank you can have it. Ruin my credit? Too late. Just kidding but that’s my attitude about it. I have a bank account that I keep to a minimum, 3 vehicles that dont take passwords, a house that takes a key and a big IRA that my advisor protects with his life…
I bet it would drop right in to my 68 F100 where an inline 6 currently resides.....
I own a Yamaha Road Star which started as a big pig of a cruiser with an awesome motor like this bike. Ripped off anything I could and changed everything I could for lighter and smaller and its now a fun damn ride. In the end buy a Scout, you will be very happy!
I had a Starion, first year. Decent car and fun to drive. Gimmicky of course, it was the 80's.
As a motorcyclist of nearly 50 years I can smell a bad driver coming. You learn the signs...jerky movements, looking at phone of course, in and out of the throttle/on the brakes randomly, never checking mirrors.
Tesla supercharger is VHS, anything else is Betamax.
But I don’t see a man in a boat anywhere.....
I was behind a Tacoma the other day and on the tailgate was :
One reason I never liked Vettes, besides being over rated back in the day, was the second childhood dicks that drove them. Just wankers every one of them. Seems like Chevy hasn’t gotten rid of them all.
Long time ago I worked at a place that had the same area code as a home shopping firm. They would put out ads in their local area but not put the damn area code on it. We would get call after call of people trying to give us orders for products. I never could figure out people that would hear us answer with a…
Search Craigslist for project cars. Its entertaining as hell......and you can see why they are up for sale. People give up if you don’t drive them. I bought my truck as a driver project. Its never been down yet. If the work I need to do takes longer than a day I don’t do it. Makes it a bit difficult but you would be…
Rush’s whole career is based on telling rubes what they want to hear and making money off it. This guy too. Dangerous for sure but in the end they follow the cash......
Reality is Americans have no excuse for not buying USA goods other than we are price whores. Every time you “shop” a price and go with the lowest you no doubt are crapping on made in USA goods. It’s stupid as hell and one of the main reasons I haven’t been in a WalMart in over a decade. I try very hard to buy US goods…
Never finance a bike. Ever. Its a horrible cycle of debt and terrible terms.
I hope the money that is gained from selling this is invested in keeping his new jailmate Bubba up close and personal to this scum bag for a long time to come.
My first car was an MGB and second a TR^.....none since. I love them and had fun but its not worth it no matter how much you work on them. They did teach me trouble shooting skills however!
Most of the real Renault Dauphines ended up broke down on side of the road so you could pickup all the “fancy’ parts for your stripper easy.