
I previously agreed with you on this and still do BUT a bigger issue is truck inspections. Here in California we have a rigorous fleet inspection program as well as inspections at weigh stations plus they are limited to 55mph. You won’t see a pile of junk over the road truck here typically. Out of state truckers know

Bullshit. I’d walk in with a briefcase full of Benjamins and roll out of there in a few minutes in my new Aston. Probably wreck it down the block considering I’d do a burnout out of the driveway (ignorant rich guy like me would see the value in doing that).

My 68 F100 was a former municipal vehicle. I can attest to how well it was maintained in addition to being garaged all these years.

Dan gurney used to drive a Toyota van...he said why not, same engine as Lexus. A wee bit of work and it can haul the mail.....and kids.

Still a crap can.

NO. But did get a blowjob.

Virginia Beach wouldn’t exist without the military. I’d rather see that in the guys driveway than a busted down Winnebago or some lame ass fishing boat.

I like this but she needed to kick him a couple times to make it complete.

Instructions to do a burnout? Wow how far have we fallen? I learned to do burnouts in an MGB for Christs sake. I can do them, and get a chirp in second gear, out of my 6 cylinder 68 F100. You can’t do a burnout then get out you don’t deserve to drive. Same if you can’t keep it sideways on a dirt road looking out the

It was obvious he was way in over his head long before he went over....note him putting his right foot down....that means it wasnt on the rear brake. In a situation like that on a bike you need all the brakes you got. You are going to crash but you need to scrub off speed any way you can. Glad it worked out but he

Cars are not too expensive. the one’s being bought are. I bought a brand new 2016 Forester last year for $20,500 and paid cash. No it isn’t loaded with options but yes it is certainly enough for anyone. I saved up for the ten years I owned a Honda Accord to buy the next one. Cheaper and easier than car payments folks.

Money. Money speaks in all languages.

so if its not in autonomous mode you will never figure that screen out. I suggest any owner of one buy a SpeedHut GPS speedo and slab it on the dash. Takes one power wire and you got all the info you need......

Yeah yeah....but who is that in the red behind them. Oh my she looks like fun...check out that wry smile on her!

She was my congresswoman....she is a stooge of the party period.

We have an orange shit gibbon in the white house so why not a kangaroo in Detroit?

Love reading this stuff. My vehicle....10 minutes (if you dick around) to R&R a starter. About same for everything else too. You can reach anything and everything, heck you can stand in the engine compartment and work on it. Its called the joys of an inline 6 from 1968.

Ask why those plants are where they are in America? They went where they could get states and municipalities to throw money and tax breaks to them while making sure they were not unionized. Yes, good jobs for where they are but they leveraged the deals on the backs of the communities.

I used to live in the High Sierra’s. No one up there back then had big tires, it was all tall and skinny. I loved passing Jeeps in the ditch during snow storms in my 2 wheel drive Ford COurier (!) on its skinny ass tires. Those big balloons work in sand but not snow nor rock much. But they are so cool looking and my

I’m all for it....think demo derby.....