Driving an older slower car is like riding a motorcycle....you can enjoy the sights.
Driving an older slower car is like riding a motorcycle....you can enjoy the sights.
Week long family vacation and you went what 150 miles from home? Boy you can tell you are no where near the west. A week long car vacation here entails a couple thousand miles easily. then you find out if your kids love cars or not.
As a life long backpacker I can assure you no position beats a full squat in the woods. No hovering or half measures, full squat as far as you can go. And it will go. then again with the food we eat while hiking and the amount of water we intake. Well its pretty much like a mountain of peanut butter being delivered.…
You lose a 60 Vette but the good news is the Jeep’s OK? . Jesus dude! You must be some kind of late to the vehicle game man bun hipster to say something like that. Just stop it.
She appears to have had her head in a microwave far too long. I’m stunned at the bumpkins that listen and believe this shit. Yet they are out there in conspiracy land. At what point do these fools realize how they are being played. its not even being done with skill.
Nice West Coast joke but bucko we are talking real snow 30' deep and more. Not drifts. Places have gotten over 500 inches. Some ski resorts are staying open until 4th of July.
....and this is why I bought the base Forester with a stick......
Raised in a Methodist home. plenty of Sunday school and church, I was even president of the youth group. Exposure of other religions via a Boy Scout program actually woke me up. I’m agnostic, don’t know anything. Raised my kids that way and I have to agree with the conclusions of this study.
Kyle Busch is a world class a-hole all the time. They should have let Joey have at him. He’s got the reach on him.
The guys in the Chevys/fords etc: “see Jeep junk”. Same guys that will be in the next video.
If you liked your Mustang then stick with a Ford, mid-60's, Galaxie or Torino low rider.
OK even that 3 mintues of my life wasted on this is too much.
I would think if you are blowing you life off gaming you might as well get some crank or coke and go for it.
I thank god every day my 68 F100 has zero electronics. I get in the 2016 Forester we have and though it has middle of the road car electronics I’d say nearly 100% of it is a giant waste of time and effort once you get past the radio working.
Since I drive a 49 year old truck I know what keeps them on the road. Caring about them in the first place. I see relatively new cars and trucks in bad shape already (unwashed, dents, running poorly, interior a trash dump etc). You can tell they won’t make the long haul. I don’t know how you do that to something so…
1923 Ford Model T. Also a 25, 32, 34 41 etc......
I looked at it and a family member has one but I bought the Forester. All about the extra space in virtually the same footprint.