
Most of the new cars on the road today have unheard of power. 300hp doesn’t make a blip on the radar these days. Many cars are fully capable of high triple digit speed. Problem is you can’t legislate stupidity. I ride motorcycles and have for 50 years. I watch videos of guys wrecking their bikes and inevitably they

I dont see an American flag pin either. She must be a commie from Kenya!

5th- yes a cabbie should be able to speak the language of the country they are working in. Period. I have to tell you that I recently traveled and at the airport somehow the airline had the worst English speaker they had making announcements for flights. They did their job well but no one had any idea at all what they

Levi 501's original (no boot cut or relaxed or anything else...button fly). End of story. I’ve worked construction a fair portion of my life and they fill the bill. As a kid my mom would save up pennies to pay for Levi’s instead of cheaper brands as she knew they lasted (plus they could take knee patches better than

Levi 501's original (no boot cut or relaxed or anything else...button fly). End of story. I’ve worked construction a

Explanations are total crap. If its a left side driver then it should be on the left. I found many Japanese cars are on the right and it has to be due to being right hand drive (my 2016 Forester is on the right and I hate it!). Think about this too. If all cars had them on the same side it would make gas stations much

I’m going to become a programmer just so I can program autonomous race cars. I will insert a “Last Lap at Daytona” command and sit back and watch the mayhem as every single car attempts a last lap stupid pass. It will be epic. I also can’t wait until an autonomous race vehicle spins then decides a straight line is

I read this morning that there are two set of all the winners cards carried by two different guys (redundant in case one of them has a problem on way or at Oscars. They dont travel in same vehicle either and they have to memorize all the winners in case of loss of the cards). Somehow the second best actress card got

Until they are non-turbo V-8's and V-12's they won’t ever sound right.....

I like to shop local but I want a fair price, not the lowest, but fair. I had found the vehicle I wanted checked internet prices and then went to the local dealer. I told them what I wanted and what I had found and where. This was just in conversation I didn’t slap down printouts of pricing or anything. They said

Change rule to one wing each side in front and one in rear, none of sides. Get rid of all that nonsense and make them look clean and fast.

This car sucks until the day I own one. Then it will be the greatest and I’d be dead in a week.

Buy an older pre-75 American car. I’d think smaller in size maybe a Nova with a 350 in it or a 65 Falcon with 289. Unique, cheap relatively speaking and fun. Remember you won’t be driving the kinds of miles you can rack up in America so suck it up on the fuel mileage and enjoy being unique. wherever you park you will

My buddies son was third in command of a boomer. While in Scotland he picked up some 21 year old scotch for us. come to find out LOTS of scotch got picked up. So my buddy and I got to sit high in the Sierras one night on a backpacking trip smoking cigars and sipping 21 year old scotch that rode across the Atlantic

Check the squirrel cage that powers that thing.

Ask Enron employees how that equity thing worked out. Get cash and benefits not tied to the company. Unions are not the enemy though clearly some of them have stupid work rules. Once unions get gutted completely we will have nothing to hold back business from stripping everything from us. Unions existence keeps them

I’d want something with a damn low rear end so you can at least get to the 40mph top speed quickly. Truthfully you want a slow turning engine hooked to a slush box with a nice cup holder. About it.

Other guy probably backed out of it so he could watch the wreck. Winner got lucky not losing it.

F1 cars are ugly and this is but one of many. All aero and zero style. Oh how I miss sexy race cars. By the way that is one of the reasons pretty much everyone loves the original GT40 and its successors (though the new one is close to having to much aero and not enough style). Yeah, yeah pretty doesn’t win but when it

My son was sitting at a redlight heading east. Cop sitting to his left heading south. Old lady in Subaru rear ends my son. He said cop started laughing then hit the lights and moved 10 feet to start writing up the lady.

He’s a sociopath and dangerous as hell. We will be lucky to survive 6 months let alone 4 years. I bet Pence is wondering what the hell he got in to. He’s a shit head too but I don’t think he’s quite insane.