
I honestly can’t fathom the distance they seem to put between themselves and Xixi. My daughter goes to a childcare facility with several teachers (ie. less personal, they don’t come to my home) and we’re pretty involved in each other’s lives because they’re helping me do (what I think is) the most important job I have

Preach. I was pro-choice before getting pregnant. Going through pregnancy made me even MORE pro-choice. All the shit that went wrong with me and my body, all the shit that stayed wrong with me and my body after Bugs Jr arrived... I mean. Nobody should have to go through that unless they expressly have the desire to.

This was absolutely my take. It is my understanding that if a child is born in the US, they are considered a US citizen, even if the mother is not. But according to this hearing, said fetus is a US citizen as soon as a heartbeat is detected (or at fertilization?). Which means the next step could be the government

This is such a weird trick, I love it. I’m going to try this next time, thank you.

Yes, I typically look away and make lists in my head (it’s soothing for my Type A++ self). I have no problem getting my blood tested when they take a vial or two (happened a lot during pregnancy, sorry you have to go so regularly, it sucked) - never get woozy as long as I don’t look! But legit blood donation - out

What do the alcohol swabs do? I’ve not heard that one before!

I have low blood pressure too! Once I went to donate and got turned away because my BP was too low and I’m typically on the lowest end of “acceptable.” But throwing up omg. That would be awful.

Oof, I definitely go in super caffinated. I tend to have 1-3 cups of coffee in the morning, so I’ll have to scale that back. And I’ll add feet up to that as well!

Thank you, this is very helpful. Especially about sitting there and just waiting awhile before standing up. Another commenter mentioned laying down during as well which I think would be a great combo for me.

Thank you! I haven’t ever lied back completely, just reclined. But that’s the same time that I feel woozy too! Last time I was thinking I had done great since I didn’t pass out during the process and they were about to take out the needle and apparently I was like “That wasn’t so-” and out I went. I think lying flat

I watched a witness, Gail Davis, get interviewed on CBS this morning and sobbed through her entire recount. From the man she saw cradling someone who was shot in the head,to the officer who shielded her with his body when shots rang out, to the young woman next to her who found herself covered in blood, the mother

Any tips for fainters? I’ve only donated blood twice but fainted both times (even though my vitals were cleared before donating). The last time it took them a little while to wake me up which kind of freaked me out so I’ve been hesitant to donate again. I give financially to the blood bank here, but I feel like my

Davids Bridal did this to me - I was getting spam calls, emails, junk mail (like, magazines for wedding favors) for over a year. It made me so angry. But that must be what they did :rent my information. Tha fuk.

I like this! I will try this next time. I get calls allllll the freaking time.

We deal with this a lot. Clients call us in a panic because the IRS said they owed $5k in taxes etc. We tell them that the IRS will never, ever, ever contact you by telephone number. The IRS has even changed their hold message on some of their lines to say that as well. But you’re right, some people still fall for

I wonder if a lot of it is guilt related. At least from a mother’s perspective, mom guilt is pervasive - even more so now in the social media age, where there’s always something, someone, somewhere telling you that you are screwing up and not loving your child enough. Then there’s the internal guilt if you’re a

I had a mom watch me hand my newborn to my mother in law and said “You’re brave, I would never let anyone hold my baby when he was that little, you never know about germs. I guess I’m just not afraid of putting my foot down when it comes to the health of my child.”

Thank you so much!! I started trying some night weaning. It’s been okay, a few set-backs, but last night she slept the full 12 hours!!

You seriously have my dream job. After having my first I have seriously considered going into doula training but I don’t even know where to begin.

Yes. FOP endorsed trump, that doesn’t mean every LEO agrees with it. Stay safe.