
Also, bombshell for parents freaking over screen-time:
Kids get bored of screens just like they get bored of doing other activities.
My 7 year old will average about an hour of screen time, then she’s off drawing or doing something else without me hassling her to change up the routine.

And if parents are going to

Yeah, I gotta say, I hate to be that person, but here goes nothing: I limit my kids’ screen time to three hours a week. Total. And frankly, I have plenty of time for a shower or whatever, because they’ve learned how to entertain themselves without a screen. I may not be raising the best of digital natives but I’ve

You make it sound like parenting was impossible before tablets.

I’m watching the hell out of this movie.

Can we get her to moderate the debates?

But he ignores Tiffany, so she’s the lucky one

EXCEPT, if you use a service like AirBnB to do it, you’ve agreed to their terms and conditions.

SAME. It was called “the butterfly.” It basically had him going “ok, but is this fun for you? Because I don’t get it.”

“I just didn’t have another sex position in me.”

I normally find them a bit insufferable, because they are clearly so insulated and naive to the working world. That said, the excerpts from this interview make them seem much more tolerable than usual.

Yes, yes you are.

The two of them drive me a lil bananas. They seem to think they’re wildly inventive and clever and original but when they open their mouths all I hear is Scientology being vomited.

Yeah, I think they’re fine. They’re VERY earnest and have intense, well-meaning ideas the way only teenagers do, but they don’t articulate them clearly because

1. They’re kids and kids are generally kinda dumb (I know I was!)
2. I doubt they’ve had very many (any?) writing classes where you get your paper back and its

The entire episode, she said, was a performance art piece. . . .


imagine taking two seconds to read about what actually happened

Right. There is no disentangling the racism or weighing one -ism vs the other, really. She is a victim of racism and sexism. The people harassing her use both. The racism isn’t an afterthought or a mere addition to hit her where it hurts. It’s genuinely racism as much as it is genuinely sexism. There’s no need to

Bernie’s the guy at the top. Yet people keep pretending he’s somehow not responsible for all this shit.

But i thought Bernie shit rainbows and sunshine. Who wouldn’t want to work for The Glorious One?

creating a hostile work environment by threatening to criticize staff members if they quit.