
The top "real life" All Saints church in Google is in Pasadena, and it's Episcopal. A quick look down the others, they all seem to be Episcopalian. So I'm guessing this is at least loosely based on that, with maybe a little fire and brimstone thrown in for good luck?

I think the show did that to put you in Daya's mindset - that sappy romcom music was indicative of how she saw the relationship in her mind.

I think this was one of the best directed episodes in a long time. So many amazing, beautiful scenes, great camera work.

I said that outloud to my husband as we were watching.

Yeah, this. I was just going through the comments to see if anyone else had brought that up.

This exactly.

Exactly, "slow". The Waif was told "Don't let her suffer", but that's not the way she wanted to roll. She wants Arya to suffer, hence the gut stabs. I'm of the opinion that Jaqen was testing The Waif here as much as he was Arya, and TW has failed the test.

In a land without antibiotics, gut wounds are very effective form of slow, horrible, rotting murder. Cut into the intestines, and now you're abdomen is full of shit. Infection and sepsis are soon to follow.

I think the Waif purposely did that - gut wounds are a slow, painful death in a time with no antibiotics. Jaqen specifically told the Waif not to let Arya suffer, and the Waif went specifically against his orders. The gut stabbing is because she wanted Arya to suffer.

The music from Matilda is so amazing because it's written by Tim Minchin.

He really was. I can't think of anyone alive today who even comes close.

How does Euron plan on building a fleet of ships that quickly? He's like "Build me a 1000 ships!" Either he's wildly exaggerating his needs, or he doesn't plan on taking off to find Dany for a few years.

Remember how happy you were last week when Jon and Sansa found each other? We should have known that they'd make us pay dearly for it.

Yes, I guess tonight put away any doubts of whether or not Stannis had survived.

Also, I've never seen anyone have such a difficult time peeling a bit of apple. That knife must be incredibly dull.

I was actually taken aback at the intensity of my emotions.

Swiss Army Man

This was, imo, one of the finest episodes of any show ever on television. The show has done such a fantastic job of showing us the motivations behind each person's actions, and we see and understand what all their "good intentions" (or bad, as the case may be) are - and see right how all those good intentions are

"High School is such a merciless sausage grinder" - Amen. I've never understood how anyone can romanticize it and wish they could go back. It was hell for me, to the point I don't ever even want to live in my hometown again. I had good friends, and I had good times. But it wasn't enough to outweigh the sheer misery of

Is it the frank or the beans?