
Plenty of games!

It is not. Along with still little to do at end game, lot of cheating and unbalanced things run rampant in the game.

I did the same thing, then I read the description of the game and though..

I think this is going to be a waste, even though it is being done for the right reasons. They need to just scrap working on future DLC and improvements for The Division, and just start working on getting The Division 2 up and out the door. The game is too scarred, too deep, and I just fear for the amount of wasted

Hopefully it doesn’t have WoD’s end game pitfalls though. WoD had an amazing leveling experience, good stories and zones, but as soon as you hit 100 content dried up in a flash, and the last of quality, timely content made playing that game after the first month a drag. I finally had to quit after 10 year due to the

Oh totally, it’s the nature of the beast of game design. I’m in the “Day 1 patches are good” camp, since they help increase the odds of a better player experience. I’m glad they are taking time to make FF15 more polished, but like all games, I’m sure there could always be more polish on top of that polish.

100% there will be day one patch. There is always a day one patch. After they stamp the gold disk, they will find something else and (hopefully) fix it.

Stickerbrush symphony alone makes the soundtrack GOAT. All the other tracks are a bonus.

Never playing a Xenoblade/Xenogears game, picking this up randomly just to have something on the WiiU at the time, was the game that 100% made my Wii U worth it.

The thing that rubs me the wrong way with this and the anime is that Square expects you to care about it all before the game. They throw all this lore and all these characters at you, most of whom the connection we form, if we form it, will come from the game.

The PS+ price hike as well as the, in my opinion, lack of quality offerings for + games made me switch to focusing on my Xbox one this month, and I’m glad I did! The Games with Gold just seem way higher then all of 2016's PS+ offerings, and I only have a PS4 so I don’t utilize the PS3 or Vita offerings.

No We Bare Bears? No sale. Ice Bear could kick all these other cartoons asses.

I watched this, I’ve never installed Dota before or seen a match. I had no idea what was going on. It was freaking exciting as hell. I now have Dota installed and am doing bot matches to learn to play.

I think it’ll be longer the the 3 months, to be honest. Hasn’t gone gold yet so that thing could get pushed back another 10 years. Might not hurt....

Good, outside the Episode Duscae demo, every other showing for this game has been poor. The Platinum Demo was a very bad way to “show off” the game, and the E3 showing of a dude getting slapped by Titan for 3 minutes was groan inducing.

The coyness of them in the multiplayer regard is the one true mark I’d put against them as a whole. I can accept delays and some lack of communication, being a small team, but this is a simple question of “is this even a feature of your game or not?” and the fact they continuously evade the question and leave it for

I have another thing I need to know from you, good sir.

Firefly is bad

Don’t worry I’m sure you guys will get a PC copy tomorrow and stream for an hour.

So far the combat seems interesting compared to previous FF Mobile things, the soundtrack is pretty dang good and the voice acting isn’t god awful!