Probably made in China
Journey to Silius is not generic, its a bloody NES classic!
A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”
And now we can pour one out for every parent whose kid stuff a 3ds cart into their ps4
It’s going to be the Naruto anime all over again. Which is exactly why I’m not going to watch Boruto.
Mom. Or her first name.
Starved Studio Ghibli fans now have something new to look forward to. Yesterday, Ghibli veterans, under the auspices…
I love the hell out of this. People get too wound up thinking their day to day is boring, and that there is nothing significant about all of the little things that add up in our lives.
I can’t believe you actually did this, that’s amazing. Well done.
Wait, Ash’s mom has a name?! And it’s not “Ash’s Mom”?
And Ash will forget her, like he does with everyone who travel with him.Man, wish Ash would grow up like Red
I bought a burger the other day, and I only got to eat it once. :(
I need a CRT filter for my life.
Some may call people who crack consoles and DRM pirates but for me, these guys are heroes. It is a truly noble to ensure that these works stand the test of time and can be played free of their original hardware.