
This looks like some weird, obscure PS2 game, but not in the good way. It’s like one of those game made in some basement in Russia and was released to the public before it was finished. like, there’s no original game, just some ISOs floating around TPB.

I recently moved, so I have most of my consoles on boxes (confession: I bought the PS4 slim and haven’t get to play it.. right now it’s on the box :( ...). I have the PS3 hooked up right now and playing Uncharted 2. I’ll get as far as I can on the long weekend :D

So.... GTA V is a Mature rated game. Why is she buying this to her eleven year old son? Gamestop totally fucked up by not checking it before (yeah.. it wasn’t definitely a way to deliver some meth), but, on the other hand.. he is eleven years old. Stop being a terrible parent instead of looking like a dumbass on

Two junior high students battle evil as Angel Rose and Angel Sapphire, getting their marching orders from a hedgehog.

I feel for this. We latin americans have little representation in games, other than drug dealers and the like (specially us Colombians). I love playing games, and there’s definitely an issue with races. It might be the developers, it might be the times the games were made, but we’re reaching a point in which we need a


I call her mom (in spanish, i do call her “madre” (mother), but not in an angry “mother” way. Also some nicknames from my anime era. I call her “san” as in Okaa-san. it’s now become an inside joke hahaha

I started Assassin’s creed (haven’t finished any on the series) and so far it’s awesome (little repetitive here and there). I’ll keep on that one. I’ve been playing a little broforce and Bastion. I might take a look at them

Portal: Little guy in the signs adventures

One of my goals for this year is to finish more games (specifically 100 of them -fingers crossed-). I just did my backlog/to play list and it felt good to have a little order on that hell of a mess that my backlog is (I have games since the NES up to to the ps4... On my to play list I only included PC & ps3 games).

That’s the concept.

Ponyta used flamethrower. It’s super effective.

Now do me!!!!

came here for this. thank you

Yeah well, they just did the same with the Metroid game a few days ago... so It will surely happen

Here’s mine

From personal experience, lending money to my family (brothers, specially) just leads to losing some of the dinero... I have done it with some friends whom i trust very much, and they (she) pay(s) right on time, but I only do it with , like 3 people.

A good change to play the new Doom game