Hah. Whooshes all around!
Hah. Whooshes all around!
See, the 49er fans could counter with 5 rings and say Joe Montana was undefeated in the Super Bowl with zero accusations of cheating against him, his coach, or his team.
You’ve come up with a valid hypothesis based on the evidence presented, but I think you’re making a very dangerous assumption here:
Maybe one day they’ll cross a moral line and kill an opponent’s assistant on the sideline for some sort of advantage no one else comprehend
You may be right, but you’re a complete dick.
Because he’s getting torched so much?
As horrifying as it sounds—take off the pads and the helmets and be amazed as the number of injuries goes way, way down.
I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”
To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”
It's not your fault.
I’ve been a Republican for a long time and the only thing I can do is look at this shit show, shake my head, and not vote for any of these clowns. We need a Republican party that looks at the Democrat’s ideas and says “that’s a good idea now let’s figure out how to afford it.” We don’t need the Republican party to…
Libertarianism sounds really good till you meet a Libertarian.
I have never written anything positive about Bernie Sanders. I called him incoherent and “your stoner roommate’s idea of a lefty saint” in my recap of the Democratic debate. If you have the idea that I’ve gone easy on him, you got it from your imagination.
I can’t believe Rand Paul isn’t even the second stupidest Republican candidate. What a bunch of maroons.
I’ve always figured this bit from Camus, ironically, gives a pretty good encapsulation of the underlying GOP stance on itself:
Ben Carson can punt a football 500 yards.
Judging by the bio, Hardy has animosity toward anything with a period.
Your life must be pretty shitty if you follow Greg Hardy on Twitter...
From Wolfe’s letter:
Sincerely, thank you for this. This is the kind of thing that initiates some change. This is the kind of thing that can spark movements. This moment right her that you and your fellow students have engaged is paving a better way forward for younger children who aren’t in college. Of course the School President will…
As a black student at the University of Missouri, I can't tell you how amazing it has been to see how the athletic department and students of all colors coming together for this.