Tai Streets Back Alright

This is so cool. Usually we see people modifying their Fieros to look like supercars, but I never imagined someone would go in the opposite direction and dress up their Ferrari as a Mustang. This just goes to show that no matter your disguise, your true colors will always show through.

Although it may be true, this is really disingenuous. Had the government been open, that $6 billion would’ve been paid to those workers anyway. This has nothing at all to do with the wall demand other than that they’re both numbers that happen to be relatively close to one another.

Post the raw data somewhere and let the community have at it!

We should’ve expected this—Eifert has really established a reputation of pushing the limits of known injuries. He’s truly a remarkable innovator.

I’m sure Baker Mayfield is excited to be throwing to Baker Gordon this season.

Eh, I think it’s almost funny, but the setup sucks and it doesn’t translate well to Twitter. Definitely helps if you knew in advance the doctor was Russian. If he’s really devoted to his craft, he’ll go see a urologist of the same background so he can talk about Russian meddling re: his erection.

They’re firing him just because what?

For some reason (maybe the white paint?) the first thing that came to mind here is that I’m looking out from the bridge of a yacht. Certainly a familiar sight to F1 drivers. See? The rules people knew what they were doing...right? Right guys?

I want to like this, but it looks like what a Kia used to look like.

Hagrid’s so mean


Bryan Colangelo expects Dirk to be back next week, or maybe never

I’m an unsigned free agent. Can I go?

Jamie Sale and David Pelletier

Plays like this are the reason officials should be allowed to award subjective first downs, or even points. Amazing catch that happened to be out of bounds? Give ‘em a little credit. Insane spin move after a holding penalty? Adjust the penalty distance a bit.

Good news for Julian is that he’s much less likely to have another concussion with a torn ACL!

Joey, do you like gladiator movies?

Stelvio? Pass.