Viridi is also available on PC.
Viridi is also available on PC.
The Vita is great, but the rear touchpad is so awkward. I’ve got a case on my Vita and I have to take off the rear cover to use the rear touchpad on the rare occasion I need to use it. Maybe my hands just aren’t big enough but it always feels like I’m stretching uncomfortably to use it.
Those games are rated M for a reason. I’m not going to be one of those people who acts like video games make kids violent, but young children probably don’t need to be playing that sort of thing just yet. Especially when they’re not really able to handle things like sexual content and violent content in a mature way.
One atrocity justifies another, huh? You really are a piece of shit.
Kingdom of Loathing has always been a personal favorite of mine, and I’m super happy to see another game set in the universe (especially one on steam)/
As much fun as it looks, I’ll probably pass on this one. I’ve got the Civ V one and setup and trying to teach everyone the rules is an ordeal.
It is absolutely shocking how many confederate flags I’ve seen in northern and western states. I’ve seen more in Indiana than I’ve seen in KY and TN.
1. Nope, once the event is over that’s it. Although judging by the upcoming summer event, once the event rolls around again next year you’ll have a shot at them again + new stuff.
Never heard anything about them quitting anime adaptations. After all, they’re putting the Rohan OVA out for the DiU DVD set.
I’m a very big fan of the series, and I’m glad it’s finally getting some attention after so long. Now content? Sign me up right now.
Remember when they weren’t so good at that either? There are plenty of games out there that shipped absolutely broken or in horrible shape, and there was no patching for cartridge games.
Happens to me every year. There’s something so cool about knowing the same person is coming back every year same as yourself.
I use it occasionally if I want to quickly look up a guide or something without having to get off the couch to track down my phone or use my computer.
This is great. I’m learning German, but I’ve a hard time understanding it when it’s spoken. Her speech is really easy to understand and very soothing.
There aren’t any wooden coasters in the game yet afaik. I do believe it’s supposed to be added at some point, though.
Because I’m sure you know them so well. Fuck off.
Pachinko machines and fitness gyms have been making them a good deal of money for years. Games have been on the backburner for quite some time.
“This is frankly the worst autumn season in anime history.”
Who the fuck cares? What people chose to imagine isn’t hurting you.