
Wait, are you talking about NK or Congress?

Oh my god, you realise what this means?

Very funny. Buzz Aldrin would like to have a word fist with you.

fuck greenpeace, fuck amnesty international, fuck peta, fuck anyone who thinks for a split fucking second they exist on a higher moral ground than anyone else. You don't, and get the fuck over yourself.

At this point they need to at least blank out what was written. The only thing worse than a semi-permenant missing rectangle at the site would be this constant bit of propoganda.

There certainly is a lot of bs trying to convince healthy people they need to buy some product to "detox" from unnamed substances.

i'm stoked. but the only Terminator movie i actively disliked was 3, because the acting/actors were so very very bad. I still don't understand the hate for Salvation - how can you complain about backstory/retconn in a series of time travel movies?

If I ever chose a religion it'd be Satanism. Satan wasn't evil, he just let people actually exercise free will while God gave people free will but was then a dick about people displaying that free will.

LaVeyan Satanism shouldn't scare anyone. It's essentially atheism, just with some extra fun at the expense of Christians.

Given the sheer number of motion capture roles that Andy Serkis does, I'm a little worried about the industry collapsing if anything ever happens to him. They really should get a backup motion capture actor just in case.

Well, the whole Jacqui/Andrea thing, they never really showcased Jacquis background. There was definitely a connection between Dale and Andrea, he rescued them and shared the RV with her and Amy. I can't recall Jaqui being that big of a figure besides sharing that she missed her coffee maker.

My hot takes:

Ugh this movie. I have banned it in our household for 6 months.

WWW: Who would Win???

Time travel paradoxes. In my group of friends, those inevitably come up at some point during group hangouts.

How excellent and deep anime and manga can be as opposed to all of it being sexualised trite.

It's Russia, they live on reworking history.

For youngsters wondering why video rental stores were once so popular...

I don't eat at Chik-Fil-A anymore because bigotry. Which is too bad, because their chicken is legit.