Tainted Meat

Dannnnnggggg can’t a ho shine????? She literally went from the strip club to top of the charts..... give her cred where it’s due

I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.

They seem to have washed their hands of show business altogether. I don’t know why they get snark for living their lives how they want.

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

I couldn’t tell is it was the angle or not from the first picture, but the CNN screen grab certainly shows it is the suit itself. Maybe she figures if she starts to look fat, Donald will set her free?

Melania, honey, whatever you paid for that suit was too much. It’s very unflattering.

I have always been very meh dgaf about Dunham, but for some reason, her saying people were triggered makes me hate her.

Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.

Now playing

He’s the guy in the video who can’t stand respectfully for 1 minute during the anthem...on Memorial Day no less.

Shouldn’t the 49ers’ stadium be full every game now that Kaepernick is off the team?

Oh PLEASE, assholes. PLEASE leave when someone kneels for the anthem. Games will be so much better without you.

The consensus is that young people have grown up with people being HIV-positive and walking around seemingly healthy, without the panic of the 80s and the heavy messaging of the 90s. They just don’t have the sense to be worried about anything worse than herpes.

For real though... why don’t young people use condoms anymore?

So I’m in Santa Clara County, CA, and we are struggling to recall the judge responsible for letting Brock here off with a very light sentence. I’m shocked by the resistance to recalling Judge Persky. He has a long history of letting criminals like Turner off with very light sentences because it might “ruin their

The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.

You’re a weak person who should stay out of cities, then.

Team No One.

Oh Sharon, why? Why Sharon!?!

Ima give you a star and say nothing else.

Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?