I think the “daddy, why are you a misogynistic asshole” question might be a little more pressing for her, but good job.
I think the “daddy, why are you a misogynistic asshole” question might be a little more pressing for her, but good job.
Who said the victim of revenge porn has to be a good person?
Yes, because trying to make your ex jealous by sending them a video of yourself making out with someone is comparable to an actual crime. Stop trying to equate a sexual criminal/accused abuser with an unsavory person to break up with.
Yeah, that’s the issue here. Not the crime of revenge porn, but that this woman hurt a man’s ego.
This is like, the fucking definition of revenge porn. Rob is so fucking disgusting and, regardless of anything else, she is the mother of his only child. He’s abusive as shit. Fuck the Kardashians, each and every miserable one.
I find the people saying that it can’t be revenge porn because she has posted racy pictures of herself before to be disgusting.
She is the only mother he has ever known. He is alone and afraid in a hospital surrounded by strangers after a life of not knowing other people. As awful as she is, she probably feels familiar to this poor abused baby. My heart breaks for this child.
I think we need to ditch the societal assumption that women are inherently better parents. Are they more practiced at caretaking? Fair enough...but that doesn’t mean all women are good parents. This belief is wrong and leads to shit like this. The child’s mother should not be granted visitation; she forfeited her…
How the hell does anyone think this is a viable excuse?
I went through this being a foster parent. Her lawyer probably told her that if she acts like she wants to see her kid it will look better for her criminal charges. In my state, as long as the child’s parents haven’t been stripped of their rights, they have 20 days to object to any foster home placement, forcing CPS…
She lost any claim to the title “Mother” after this, IMO
I would love to ask the judge WTF made him allow that.
Mother’s rights can be a bitch sometimes.
Why does she even want visitation? She clearly doesn’t give a fuck about the child as evidenced by this case; why does she want to see him?
Somehow, despite all that the 5-year-old had been through, a judge agreed to allow Naomi Hall supervised visitation with the child at the hospital.
My goodness! These assholes deserve to go to jail for a long time. I have a 17 months old who’s almost 30lbs, can’t imagine how much they let this baby suffer.
Just so I’m clear with the standard. Any person or group that even loosely aligns themselves with a political organization, represents the whole organization. Is that correct?
I want to be 100% clear, then we can discuss what crimes organizations like the KKK, Trump, Infowars, Fox News, etc. are responsible for.
They were quick to release this body cam footage...
Should I be saying congratulations or what the hell?