Shortly after the video made its way onto the internet last Friday, the club confirmed that all four players had been released
Shortly after the video made its way onto the internet last Friday, the club confirmed that all four players had been released
I thought they were all het up all the time about the right to bare arms? It’s in the Constitution, dammit!!!
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
I see their bitterness over their appendages never equalling Michelle O’s guns hasn’t abated.
Praise be motherfuckers.
The cruelty in those pictures is astounding. Everyone just stood around watching Christie instead of trying to save him by rolling him back into the ocean.
What is truly amazing is that Christie still has a 17% approval rating. It’s a good way to think about Trump’s roughly 37% approval rating; there are people who so greatly identify with the outside figure who is not the “usual politician” that they will cling to these figures with such great force that even the most…
Am I crazy or is this not just the leading edge of the preferred business/consumer relationship as seen by our corporate overlords?
Anyone else remember how deregulating the airline industry was going to increase competition, end effective monopoly routes and lower prices?
Here’s the takeaway; she didn’t protest and meekly let them force her to carry a heavy child in her lap for the whole trip.
They probably look at the Ten Commandments as more of a list of suggestions rather than requirements. Now birth control, on the other hand, must be stopped like Jesus said!
I would *really* like to know from whom the Hobby Lobby asswipes bought these artifacts. I have a sick feeling that the answer is ‘Daesh.’
Thou shall not steal motherfuckers. Which commandment is this one?
Hey ISIS are doing it all wrong. Why destroy false idols when you can sell them to rich Westerners who’ll keep them in a basement until they die?
property law expert warning them at the time that many of them may have been seized illegally from historical sites in Iraq.’t even make any sense!
What high school student has a fucking job BEFORE graduation? This is bullshit.
You realize that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are two separate documents right?