
thank you for this. I think the guilt is the hardest part about this. Like I feel like I’m in mourning which is silly because she isn’t dead but knowing the friendship is truly over is hurtful. But my mental and emotional well being need to come before this friendship because I am now at the point where just seeing

thank you, I feel really guilty about walking away but everyone on this thread has been so supportive and I’m realizing that i’m friends with her because of who she was and not who she is so as much as it hurts I know I’m going to need to be strong and end this friendship.

thank you so much for your kind words!!

Now i just keep wondering what the hell else she lied to me about. She recently lost custody of her child to her ex because she did something incredibly selfish and fucked up but insisted it was her ex husbands fault for stressing her out. Looking back on this now I’m just wondering if she’s outright lying about her

holy crap! sorry you had to go through that, thanks for the encouragement and for making me laugh with the first sentence though! it really does suck that people you care about make themselves feel better by making you feel worse but I’m way to old for this shit so I’m walking away and not looking back. I value my

Yes, it did. I’m usually a very private person and have very few friends which is why this is so hard but everyone sharing their stories is very helpful in soothing my guilt over wanting her out of my life. I feel so bad thinking I’m turning my back on her right now but seeing how everyone has coped after cutting a

pic before i inhale it! (whoa! that came out huge, sorries!!)

Holy crap this sounds like the same person! I had a dog that I loved more than anything that this guy poisoned because I wouldn’t go out with him. Well this asshole guy loved a show that my friend likes as well, I’ve told her repeatedly that I can’t stand that show not because its bad but because it brings me sad

Yeah, it really is the oddest thing. I think I’m going to ask her to lunch or something and talk to her about this and tell her I need my space for the time being. I hope she changes but I think I will have to distance myself from her. It’s just too hurtful to have someone you care for treat you like you’re an asshole

She used to be so different. Very supportive, funny. and a great person. I don’t know what happened though, The last couple of years and she has slowly but surely done a 180 of the person I used to know.

Thank you for the kind words. They are much appreciated right now.

The last time I spoke to her saying I felt she was being dismissive she went off on a rant accusing me of being confrontational and too emotional. *sigh* I think I’m going to have a talk with her and tell her how I feel and tell her I need my space for a while but sadly I think I will have to give up on this

I’m sorry you’re dealing with someone who doesn’t appreciate your friendship as well. It is very scary to walk away from someone I’ve known half of my life but at this point it has to be done. One text she sent was fucked up enough that my best friend texted me the next morning after I told her about it telling me SHE

This made me tear up but you are all right. I want to help her but I can’t and I need to accept that, it hurts to know this friendship is over but I do need to move on.

I LOVED the Ramona Quimby series as a kid! Still do actually, They helped me learn English faster and helped me develop my love of books.

I’m sorry to hear you had to deal with that but glad you cut that person out of your life. I need to follow your example and do the same. Just three days ago I gave this friend a recipe my mom made for veggie pozole and when I mentioned my mom had made the recipe for me she actually asked if my mom could adopt her

Being with her in person is fine actually! She’s funny and a good friend. It’s always when we text that she acts like an asshole. Like she’ll send pro life videos and articles or go on crazy ass rants like I hate the the government, usually Obama for some reason, or go off on random people/things and will ask for my

I’ve tried talking to her a few rimes about various things she does and she turns to making light of the situation (I was just kidding, you take everything soooo serious) or being rude (you are such a hypocrite because......). It just turns into such an awkward situation. I really should move on. thank you all for the

Thanks for this. It’s hard but I really should move on from this friendship.

Pad thai and some veggie egg rolls. Pairing it up with some sake because i need liquor tonight. bon appétit!