Taint My Fault

We brake for shooting brakes!

Now playing

Ha, it’s funny cuz I discovered that song yesterday when I left youtube autoplay do its thing. I’m getting hooked on 80s/90s songs more and more as I am getting older, lol.

In case anyone needs to wake up - this one will do:

what do i win?

What a condescending asshole. That smirk. I don’t blame anyone who wants to punch him...repeatedly.

I see Marchionne is in merger talks with Harley-Davidson.

He probably has a fuelshark plugged in.

Before reading this article, I considered myself somewhat of a lightweight in the gearhead world. After reading this goop about fuel-injected cats and oil-pumping pistons, I feel like a world class automotive engineer.

200 years from now, it might look something like this:

Not sure why, but I always get a happy feeling inside whenever I see something that’s built to last. Old machinery made of cast iron, stringed instruments that are over a century old and still played, high-quality tools handed down through generations, stuff like that.

Well this is Dodge so....

3.9% APR, 211 month loan, $405 a month = $88,787.75 to own.