
I used to hate saying I could "multi-task" in job interviews. So, I stopped & just said I think it's BS. It's much more productive to concentrate on one thing until it's done.

What Sony means is they don't block used SONY PS4 games. It's still up to the third party publishers to decide if they want to block used game sales or impose DRM on the PS4. Which they've wisely kept quiet about.

Sweet! I got a 60%.

They're even betting on The Council Of Twelve (aka VITA owners) over the Wii U!

When just the original Wii sells more consoles in the same time period as the Wii U, yeah... That's failure. Add to that the Xbox 360 & PS3 sales, you've got a console in it's death throes. I will honestly be surprised if Super Smash Bros./Zelda/Mario can revive it.

It looks like they're excited for the games at least.

"While the Wii U - and let's be real, it's basically last-gen tech..." Love it!

South San Francisco, Comcast...

I have to say I agree about mouth/chewing noises... I REFUSE to eat at Carls Jr. because they ran ads for years with chewing noises & it disgusted me.

I really liked the first part with Gambit & Scarecrow...

It's not that people want Nintendo to fail, but most people can only afford ONE console (see what I did there?). Why shell out $350 to ONLY play Mario & Zelda games? Hate to be cynical (I call myself a realist) but besides Mario & Zelda, what else does Nindendo have to offer, game wise? I know Nintendo fans will try

Xbone sounds like a Classic Rock station...

You realize this is a stock photo, right?

What's the over/under on when he comes out?

Wub Wub outputs.

Yeah, a bunch of white girls make racist tweets & hashtags etc. & they're told to get counseling. Meanwhile, a black girl accidentally causes a chemical reaction in a science fair experiment & she gets arrested & expelled. Anybody else see a double standard?

Now playing

I remember seeing this a month or so back.

(Violent) video games save my life. Perhaps a bit hyperbolic, but it's true if not literally. I was (at the time) a 39 year old diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. Long story short, I was house bound for a few months. I decided to buy my first console, a PS3 to help with the inevitable boredom. My first game at the

I was in my local Game Shop lately & there was only one (1) small rack/shelving unit, whatever dedicated to the Wii U. That's it. The other 95% of the store was PS3 & Xbox 360 games. Very telling...

The game takes place a century ago, there weren't any fat Americans yet. Well, besides the rich, that is. Historically, being fat was a status symbol, now it's seen as a sign of lazyness...