
15 minutes of fame? That's the payoff, I guess.

She's ogling her cleavage, not her side boob... Just saying.

There's this little game called Skyrim. The whole damn thing is a snow level!

I can't believe all the immature comments (although, the Kotaku comments are better than YouTube) when he suggests that games "Grow Up". All you're really doing is making his case for him.

"Never do business with a religious son of a bitch. Not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal..." -William S. Burroughs

This presumes that the natural state of men is that we're all rapists & child molesters. Therefore the women must suffer because we (men) can't control ourselves. Yeah, that makes sense...

'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry

Cold pizza & warm beer are an American delicacy!

I think I'm an Unwinder mixed with Pundit with maybe a smidge of Art Player. Pretty much the only game I played in 2012 was Skyrim. Even though I love Borderlands 2 & Far Cry 3, it's been years since Mtn. Dew has crossed my lips.

Yeah... My girlfriend knows more about Star Trek:TNG than I do. She has the complete episode guide, she has a few Star Trek novels as well. She was into this way before she met me. Would you like to know who got me into Star Trek, Dune, Star Wars, LOTR? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway. My mother. I guess I'd

Adam Sessler is now editor in chief/producer at a San Francisco based gaming website that was just bought out by Discovery Channel. After G4, his career was in need of a Revision. 3 months later, he's got a great job now. They have a YouTube Channel. That should be enough hints.

Heroin happened to him...

I just started to play Far Cry 3, I had no idea you could sell all your items with one button!

In the appendices of the LOTR books, he (perhaps jokingly) references the fact that Dwarf women also have beards. Just saying...

Of COURSE it was pit bull puppies! The most misunderstood & abused breed out there.

2012 was a great year for White Whine...

Honestly, I can't wait either. We need the reminder. I personally hate the "Stick to sports" meme. Celebrities have opinions & interests beyond sports or acting. Deal with it.

If you read the Akira graphic novels, well Tetsuo did rule Neo Tokyo for a while. But, yes he did ultimately "lose"...

The only issue I have with this piece is that guns are not made for "injuring" things you point it at. They're made for killing. No more. No less.

Totally agree.