GMT800 Tahoe Guy

yeah but how are you supposed to put a foam ball on a shark fin? or a little flag? and go ahead and tell me how im supposed to replace a sharksfin with a 50 cal bullet antenna to let people know my fondness for bullets and crappy reception?

People are definitely driving worse, and I’ve actually found more people to be driving slower than the speed limit. My buddy who happens to be one of the slowest drivers I know, was flying past cars the other night. I looked over, and we were doing the speed limit, despite passing every car on the mostly empty road.

2nd Gear: I’m a bit disappointed there’s not some joke in there about Jaguar/Land Rover not suffering from a chip shortage because there will never be a shortage of Lucas parts or they long ago cornered the market on vacuum tubes or something... I didn’t say it was a good joke.

Ford and Toyota are both taking a very measured approach to EVs. We haven’t been talking about there being lithium or other material shortages on the horizon that make the chip shortage look mild, but they’re there. Having ICE units to move without running afoul of optimistic projections is a great insurance policy.

I know used prices are stupid right now, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

Now playing

[breathlessly runs to comments for obvious joke]


Most ECU do a great job on keeping the driver from ever hearing pings, unlike most of automotive history, dating back past the Model T, that had a Spark Advance lever for the Driver to adjust depending on fuel quality, and a host of other conditions.

Octane is simply a rating measuring resistance to detonation. A higher compression, higher revving engine is usually going to be designed for a 91 (or 93, if you can get it) octane premium fuel. If you add 87 to the tank, as the revs climb, you’ll notice that the engine is cutting timing, because a modern ECU will

Please, don’t Google “fonda hit” at work...

These are the names for a racing game where they were too cheap to buy the licenses.

No, with Ford you just replace the word Ford with the word Anal. Works every time

This is oddly pleasing, sort of a lazy man’s Pig Latin!

Fonda Hit

Cincoln Lontinental

Coyota Tamry sounds like that one Facebook mom inviting the whole town to her dumbass kid’s birthday party (his name is Zyler or some shit) but they’re only allowed if they’re not vaccinated. And they can only wear sleeveless shirts to make sure there are no needle marks (but only on the upper arm - the normal tracks

Don’t worry, I got you:

Frod Moostang.

Ford Fusion... wait...

Dame Bramage