GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Dodge gave it a shot half a century ago with Pink Panther pink:

Right up there with “Hit him until candy comes out”.

Well I don’t know how popular his sitcom was, that’s the only place I ever heard him use it lol

Well things would be different if the bobcat wasn’t being aggressive and trying to attack his wife/the pet. I don’t know how I would react but I would hope I would punt that little fucker like I’m trying for a 50 yard field goal, and if it came back, like Bernie Mac used to say I’m gonna beat it till the white meat

it’s real, it’s spectacular

Yeah, but how was the bacon though?

“back when I was learning to program in BASIC”

Foreign: Audi Quattro (the whole 1980 to 91 run)

Oh Gawd. Now Mercedes has the slideshow bug. First Hodge, now Mercedes...

extra dumb

Dammitt Streeter! Stop coming up with interesting slide shows!! :D 

Bring in a national minimum living income payment, and then I’ll support wiping out the last few remaining survivable low skill jobs. Not everyone is capable of training for jobs with higher skillsets than pump jockey, and, with the march of automation happening in a way totally different from history, we totally need

Whew. Well ok then. I thought there was a crisis in the universe for a minute.

Ray Charles, with a handgun, deadpan one-liners. Brilliant.

Years ago, I had a friend who knew Donald Duck Dunn, and he related a story about how the band members told the film crew that they were well aware they sucked as actors. They were basically told, “It doesn’t matter, it will be funnier.” Also, any story you heard regarding cocaine and that film is true.

Ridiculously extra dumb is the best kind of dumb.

The only bit that looks ugly to me is that weird droopy nose above the grille.