GMT800 Tahoe Guy

It’s less a vertical integration issue and more an intercontinental outsourcing issue. The real solution to this problem is just making more stuff here.

Not the same thing, but my boss has a serious beef with people who use baby on board stickers without the kids in the car because it effects how first responders treat the situation when they show up.

I actually think those jackets are cool as hell, but to your point, I don’t buy one because I have no idea when I would wear it. A bar with a bunch of guys older than me is all I could ever think of.

There is some freak who goes to like 100 baseball games a year in Chicago (both teams!) and sits right behind home plate wearing a late 2000's Kyle Busch M&M’s jacket. He’s been tormenting us for like 15 years.

Right, I want to give the guy credit for doing what appears to be a fantastic conversion job..... but not that much credit. It’s still a hacked up body. 

Seriously, it’s not the 60's when basically each year was a facelift.

Regardless of “first edition” type models, I would bet my life that 10 years from now, people are writing ebay/craigslists ads banking on having a 2021/22 model year making their V6 Camaro or whatever the fuck more rare and valuable.

Now playing

If it was a vibrator then the altercation would be more understandable.

Fair point! If you rule out muscle cars and big trucks (which he did) then all your left with crossovers and stuff that breaches the $25k ceiling.

Juke very much looks like someone asked: “what if we tried making a boring generic crossover cool like a toy car.”

I want to believe is going to get the full aftermarket/minitruck treatment, but I can’t shake the sense that it’s going to be owned by fleet sales more than anything.

Seriously, the 6 is one of the most handsome sedans out there, but still very anonymous. 

Just be able to understand what is and isn’t a piece shit. My best friends for 15 years now are twins and would never hesitate to proclaim “I don’t care what I drive so long as the radio and A/C works!” Here’s how that is working out for them in their late 20's:

Like any established labor union that does this sort of thing regularly, The UAW has a lot of resources on hand to make sure their people can picket safely. Hi-Vis jackets are a no brainer, and some temp lighting is not remotely a crazy ask. And the strike is always going to happen as close as possible to where the

Journalist Jonah Furman also reported the death, saying union members had previously complained about poor lighting in the area. They have also reportedly been pelted with eggs and been threatened by trucks swerving in their direction.

Indeed, and in spite of that, probably took some arm-twisting from the feds.

Seriously, and level 2 charging isn’t the half hour fill up. You’re talking about sitting there a decent amount of time swatting salesman away.

First question: what the hell took them so long?”

Even though it didn’t win, feel like the Crown Vic should have been omitted from the tally because being at literally every crime scene for 25 years is a bit unfair.